Title: Scarlet City
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Gangsters!
Characters: Preston Burke, Addison Montgomery, Derek Shepherd, Cristina Yang, Mark Sloan, Denny Duquette, Erica Hahn. And, really, just about everyone who’s showed up for at least two episodes in either Grey’s Anatomy or Private Practice makes an appearance.
Warnings: Character death. It’s all offscreen and nobody that’s been introduced as a major character, but this is a crime story. People die.
Summary: September, 1939. As Europe marches off to war, Seattle has its own problems. A crime boss running circles around the police threatens to undermine what little stability still exists. Detective Preston Burke will have to fight his way through a dangerous tangle of gambling, prostitution, and suspected murder in order to unearth the truth and take down Addison Montgomery. Plus, there’s the matter of working girls who keep showing up on the coroner’s slab…
Thanks to:
nursebadass who beta'ed, fanmixed and did some amazing art. You rock, lady.
Enhanced content:
Artwork and fanmix by
nursebadass Navigation and extended author's notes here Or,
read on AO3.