Fic Wrap Up: September 4 - September 10

Sep 13, 2011 21:15

Total Fics Posted: 6
Pairings: 2
Fics Without Pairings: 3

BIG BANG FICS Paper Hearts, nursebadass (R) (Ensemble, Burke/Cristina)

Cristina/Teddy When The Sun Was Bleeding All Over You, damelola (R)

Derek/AddisonSet Fire To The Rain, freiheitfuehlen (PG-13)
       Chapter 1

Fics Without Pairings What Do You Go Home To?, disarm_d (PG-13) (Cristina)
Hide Your Heart, abvj (PG-13) (Lexie)
The One Where Everyone Finds Out, safertohateher (PG-13) (Ensemble)


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