Mar 20, 2010 17:38
So found out last night my mom is coming out here, and she will therefore be staying with me for the night. Thanks for the advanced notice. Appreciate it. So I've been spending my day tidying up and organizing. Boo! Where is that maid when I need her? Lol. I've been trying to catch up on some shows I have tivo'd because it is getting way too full, and I am seriously behind in some of my favorite series. Other than that, I've had a pretty dull day.
I'm hoping once my honey gets back in town we can go see Alice in Wonderland in 3D because I'm interested to see where Tim Burton's crazy mind takes us. And maybe we can have a cute night out and get all dressed up for a dinner date since that ended up falling through when we took our little road trip.
Anyhoooo...better get back to the chores! Yay...