I have school in 4 hours and 58 minuits

Oct 19, 2004 00:02

Well I'm up late for reasons I do not know, but I feel I should write something for once.

Have you ever been lost or gone somewhere you weren't familiar with?
I bet you have.
Well I have just moved to Florida 4 weeks ago to be exact.
When I got here I had a few things I needed to find, one of them being a place to live. Well I had found that before I came here. Now when your driving in FL there are a lot of nasty drives on the road. Anyways I'll get to the point. I was in the wrong lane on a one way street. I needed to take a left abd I was in the straight "going" lane right up front. Well like any normal person I looked to the person in the front of the left turning lane. After a few waves I got her attention, I signaled her to ask if I could cut in when the light went green. And she paused.....then she did the unthinkable, I didn't think it was possible, she shook her head NO! Now me being from friendly NH didn't know how to take this new attitude. I mean seriously how often have you politely ask someone to please cut in, and they told you no? My mind went blank. I know she saw my lisence plate that said that I came from more than 1800 miles from here and still she didnt care. To this day that boggles my mind, how America as gotten so cought up in the "RUSH TO BE ONTIME" that they cant help a lost stranger find there way.

In other news I have received my very first progress report it look something like this:

Classwork: 97.00%
Labwork: 100.00%
Professionalism: 96.00%
Attendance Grade: 99.38%
Course Grade: 98.50%
Letter Grade: A
Attendance Rate: 99.72%
GPA: 4.00

To be honest Im not happy with it. I didnt get SOC (studnet of the class) and the only reason my attendance is not perfect is because Kevin had to have his hair perfect. Now I know you are supposto take responsibility for your own actions, but what should I have dont. I mean my VW is/was broken down, and we live a half hour to and hour away from he school depending on traffic. I walked into the room 45 second late and that is automaticly 15 minuits late. Which in the end affects my professionalism grade. Now my class work was my fault for being to cocky, but I know better now I study regardless of how well I know the material. Well my main goal I guess is to keep my 4.00 GPA and keep my attendance above 99% so that I will be accepted into either Porsche or BMW. BMW has about 300 slots open and Porsche has 36 slots, so it will be a race to the finish. Even so I can already see kids just being picked off like flys, this new course 17-Basic Electrical is hard. Kevin is having a hard time, and he is falling behind contrary to what he tells everyone. Well its currently 12:21AM and I should get some sleep to keep on top of things, Hope all is well for whome ever should read this.

I'll try to post back soon.
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