Support the Writers!

Nov 08, 2007 00:02

1. Yep, new default icon for the length of the writers' strike. Am I annoyed that my shows are going to be disrupted? Hell yes. But I fully support the writers in this. They have been screwed by the production companies out of any decent money at all on web downloads and DVD sales (among other things). Seriously, a writer gets $0.04 for every DVD of something they wrote. They just want a decent wage. (Oh yeah, and they don't get as much for a first-run show on the CW as they do on other networks. What the heck is THAT about?)

2. Check out this community for ways you can help support the writers: wga_supporters

3. KEEP WATCHING the shows you like that are scripted shows until they run out. Support them while they are still on.

4. DO NOT WATCH the replacement shows that will start showing up. The networks will start flooding the airwaves with unscripted shows (i.e. reality shows and news magazines). Don't watch them. (Watching sports shows is okay, because they would be run whether the strike was on or not -- they're not replacement shows.)

5. DO NOT DOWNLOAD/WATCH FULL EPISODES ONLINE -- the writers aren't getting a decent wage for these downloads, they're treated the same way (or worse than) the DVD sales are.

6. This one's really hard and I'm not entirely sure I'm going to be able to do it, but if you can, avoid buying DVD's until the strike is over. If the writers are successful and get a higher amount per DVD sale, then it's only fair to wait until that's in place before buying DVD's. That way, you're giving more to the writers, who really deserve it.

Take a look at this list, which shows how far along various shows are. Some of them haven't even been started yet (Eureka, for one), and I'm a bit concerned about their future because of this, but still, the writers deserve a decent wage for their work. The production companies shouldn't be out there getting all of the money for it.

Oh -- and take a look at this twatwafflery over on Variety. More than obvious who's side the author of this is, and it's not the writers...

internet, wga, dvds, real life, movies, tv, bitching

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