Oct 24, 2005 00:23
So Wilma is starting to kick up the wind here in Miami. Couldn't find plywood so I screwed the two that I did have to the front windows but apparently the winds are going to be coming from the south so they're totally going to nail the window I DIDN'T cover. the one right next to the TV. Fuck. So this might be my last journal in quite a while depending on how badly we flood. Sort of sucks. We would've boarded up and headed towards Daytona Beach but I have to stay here for work. It's a category 3 now so hopefully my roof will stay on for this one. I hate Florida. I think God is trying to wash it into the ocean. I don't blame him. I'm counting the days until I get my degree and can go back up north. Florida will be just a bad memory and I'll have a decent job. Maybe. Or maybe I'm looking too far into the future. Hopefully I won't drown in my attic tonight. I can't wait to not have power. Bitch bitch bitch. Ok, I'll shut up now. Hey, if I die my posessions should all be divided amongst my family and friends. Oh, and there's a box with magazines and videos under my desk. That box is to be burned.