Yep, it's my birthday...not that big a deal really...
I've already faced the fact that today I'm 28 years old, last night I had a panic attack, cried, screamed, wondered 'oh, why me God! whyyyyyyy!! but today I'm fine =/ , really!, I'm fine! (well, maybe not entirely =? I'm trying to deal with it), today it's also the "Day of the Dead", if Mexicans didn't celebrate this day in such a colorful, respectful & cheerful way I'd feel really depressed that I had to be born on such a commemoration (by the way, thank you Roman Catholic Church! you couldn't make "All Saints Day on November 2nd instead??!!???!) & one of these days I'm going to runaway to Mexico just to celebrate my b-day there ;). So today is nothing special, I had come to work =< like any other day, I received some nice phonecalls & text messages from my family & a great phonecall & lj comment by my friend Sabrina who registered on Livejournal just to leave me a message!!! (Bien Saaaa!!! ahora te voy a obligar a que mantengas tu diario eh!).
Last October 24th, 30 Seconds To Mars played in Buenos Aires, Sa & I couldn't make it to the concert, she had an exam & I wouldn't go to a concert on my own just because I think it is a great experience to live & share it with someone else, so next time they come to Argentina we'll be thereeee!!...and like Sa & I agreed we'll divide the Leto brothers, Jared for Sabri and Shannon all for meeee!!! he's my latest obssession!! I love a man who can eyeline his eyes better than I can eyeline mine *lol* so yes the new header is entirely dedicated to 30STM as you can see, I made icons of the band also & I know I haven't posted icons in a looong time but I will sometime this month, don't push me people!!! I'm lazy, you know it! besides it's my party & I'll cry if I want to!! (means: 'today is my birthday and I'll do whatever the heck I want!). I think that's all I have to say...yep (I can add more later if I need to anyways)
PS: Sa!! a vos te faltan 20 dias para cumplir los 28!!!!!!!!!!!