S/P Arts and Manips *Spoiler Warning*

Dec 06, 2009 13:59

WARNING! Some photo manipulations and artworks contain spoilers!

Hello guys!

I have a few early Christmas gifts for ya'll! I'll start off with the manipulation. Some are spoiler-y but I don't think it really gives away the storylines of the upcoming episodes. Plus, I doubt any of us haven't heard of this before, LOL!

Anyway, let's start off with the manips.

I know I already posted this but it's related to the next photo manip...

Hmmm.... there seems to be a trend with Penny and Sheldon's reciprocity...so...

Don't you wish this would be true?

Seriously! Has anyone made this connection?! What is the frak with pigtails?!

And now for another Saturnalia Miracle!

Next set of manips will NOT involve Penny, BUT....

Okay, by now everyone knows Jim chatted with fans online, right? One of the things that was brought up was this....

Jim: Betty White for Meemaw. That's *unclear* (not? is?) first time I've ever heard that, and I would do anything to work on something with Betty White!

For the complete interview as recorded by einna83 can be viewed in this youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucp7U1ppnHY

So here come the manips!!

Bigger versions here...

Oh man! They've totally GOT to get Betty White for Meemaw now!!!

Whew, now last but not the least, the art posts.

Title: The Gorilla Experiment
Description: Based on the upcoming episode with the same title. I didn't use a white board for this because it looked a little plain and I wanted it to really convey a school environment. I don't think this really spoils the story, it's more of the concept, really. Oh! And can I just say I never realized how well yellow and blue complement each other (see Sheldon's clothes) and it reminded me of what they wore in the first scenes of The Work Song Nanocluster. I seriously cannot wait for this episode! Mark it, December 7, 2009!

Title: Sleeping Beauty
Description: This MIGHT be the last artwork I'll do for The Adhesive Duck Deficiency (unless inspiration strikes again). I was watching TADD and The Vegas Renormalization back and forth when I stumbled upon the scene where Penny looked lovingly at a sleeping Sheldon. This is my take on it, TADD style :D I still think this is something that SHOULD have occurred but I suppose the Soft Kitty round made it sweet still :)

Thanks as always guys, for being a wonderful support group! Enjoy the holidays ya'll :D

Sneak Peek at Next Project:
Comics: Sheldon and Penny Domestic Life #8: The Reciprocity Extremum

character: meemaw, fan images, character: sheldon cooper, fanart, character: penny

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