Priorities, Honesty, and Getting Back in Each Other's Good Graces - Today's Recap, 5/6/10

May 06, 2010 15:49

Reid to Luke today: You and me, baby, ain't nothin' but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel...



I was really glad when I found out that Parker was acting right in the beginning of today's episode, because for a minute I was like, "What happened with Mick?! Why can't he act?!" LOL. That scene was very funny, because Parker was terrible with trying to seem upset. HAHAHA.

So Margo officially brings Craig down to the station after she breaks the bad news of Parker's trust fund to Jack. Jack goes home to tell Carly and Parker all about it, and luckily, Carly saves Parker from giving himself away by flipping out (and later Parker joins her when he throws some kind of knick-knack against the wall in "anger" :-P). Then Carly goes back to the station with Jack and promptly introduces her knee to Craig's crotchal region in retaliation. :-P

Craig tries to explain that he stole Parker's money all for Carly's sake. He was kinda like, "I stole all the money for YOU! Aren't you proud of me?! PS - Wanna get back together?" Carly doesn't believe a word he's saying (whew!) and basically tells him to put a sock in it, because she's done with him. Whee!

Unfortunately, it's looking as though Parker is not off the hook yet. Carly thinks that since they've got Craig in custody and are pressing charges against him for stealing the money, that eventually they'll get to arson and charge him with that, too. But the preview for tomorrow definitely shows Craig not in jail. And he has some kind of encounter with Parker. Uh-oh.

So, I have to say...I like Liberty, and I'm glad that everyone around her was supporting her about her wig, just made me giggle. Dusty was like, "It looks good on you," but all I could think was, It kinda looks like you stuck your finger in a socket! :-P Sorry, Libs. I actually think that's the actress's real hair, too. XD Again, I apologize. :-) I know I'm going to hell for this one!

And again with Liberty all upset over Gabriel. She said something like, "It's so sad, because he's all flowers, no cards..." So here's an idea, Libs: BRING HIM SOME DAMN FLOWERS. If she's so upset about that, why isn't she doing something about it? PS - YOU'VE KNOWN HIM FOR LIKE, FIVE MINUTES!

Anyway. He's not as homeless or as alone as she thinks. In fact, he's got people right in Oakdale at war with each other over him at the moment! So don't cry for him anymore! (Don't cry for me, Argentinaaaaaa...) I have a feeling that Gabriel is going to be just the long run. :-P

And now Janet and Dusty! You guys don't mind if I kick Janet in the face, do you? Oh, good. BECAUSE SHE IS AN EPIC MORON. Did you see how damn cute Dusty was today when he showed up at Al's to order dinner for them both? Oh, God. Forget it! I'll marry Dusty! Janet can go kill herself for rejecting him.

Oh, yeah, and not to mention...Janet's dying to make more money, right? So she leaves her high-class, sophisticated job (where Dusty would have given her any raise she asked for), to go work double-shifts as a waitress back at Al's. Uhm...? Clearly Janet does not possess the Oakdale Brain right now. Left her man, left her well-paying job, now working double-shifts and barely able to rub two nickels together, and is pregnant. Fabulous, Janet! I see much success in the decision-making department in Liberty's future, because she's had such an excellent role-model in you. Ugh. *eyeroll*

And then: lucky break or a little white lie? Teri tells Janet that "Pop" set up an inheritance in his will to be passed along to his kids when he died, including Janet. But since Dusty had already enlisted Teri's help in winning Janet's love back (albeit one step at a time), I'm thinking this has more to do with him than with Pop. Either way, Janet was thrilled about the money and grabbed Teri into a bear hug over it. I'm thinking Janet should look at it as a lucky break. Especially if/when she finds out the truth (if my suspicions are correct).

And Dusty and Janet still managed to be cute together, damn them! :-P That dinner they had was fricken adorable. Especially when Janet said, "Well, that burger does smell good," and Dusty replied, "'Atta girl...I was counting on the BLT for myself!" LOL. So cute. And then he wiped her mouth for her afterward and they had A Moment. Geez, Janet. What's a man gotta do?!

And speaking of that, that's pretty much how Reid feels about Luke right about now! Geez, Luke...what's Reid gotta do, beat you over the head with himself?

Wait, hold on...there's a naughty image somewhere in that sentence...

Ahem. :-P

So first I'd like to say: Scenes that involve JUST Reid and Luke making out and unbuttoning each others' clothes? HELL YEAH. I could watch an entire episode of that! It was kinda like the show whispered to the audience, "Hey, in case you're wondering, here's what Luke and Reid are up to," showed them for a minute, and then just panned away to another scene. No other explanations! HAHAHAHAHAHA. I love it.

Know what else I love? Reid Oliver. Oh yes. Reid has wormed his snarky little way into my heart. Why, you ask? Because today, when Luke started freaking out and pulling away from him, Reid didn't get angry or push him into anything or freak out on Luke. He was calm and sweet, one point when Luke was flipping out he even told him to "Shh" all soft and caring, and I think he even went to button Luke's shirt again for him? Oh, Reid. I love you.

And then when Luke made it to the door, Reid wouldn't let him escape without trying to get Luke admit that there had been something brewing between them for a long time, and that Luke wanted them to happen as much as he did. As much as he did. Oh, Reid. Have I mentioned how much I love how much Reid wants Luke? *swoon*

Luke didn't admit to anything, though. He said Noah was his first priority, and that was just how it had to be. Of course I totally understand that, because this is the thing about Luke that I love so much. He always puts the people he cares about before himself. Ironically, the thing I love the most about Luke is also the thing that's driving me crazy right now. :-P

If I didn't like Reid so much, then it wouldn't bug me. But the fact that Reid is so totally into Luke and is hurt (but understands) that Luke has other things in his life he needs to see to first wrenches at my gut. They had a very calm, almost sweet sort of conversation in Noah's hospital room, in which Luke told Reid that Noah was his first love and he'd always expected to just be with Noah. And Reid admitted that outside of his work, he'd never really had much of a personal life, so this was all kinda new to him, too. And then when Luke asked if he should stay with Noah - in Dr. Oliver's professional opinion, of course - Reid told him that he should, just in case Noah could hear him. Oh, you two! The honesty is so wonderful.

That's also another thing I like about Reid. He doesn't just let things slide like that. He'll call you out on something. He puts it right there in front of you, so you can't ignore it. Gets it out of the way, in a sense. Clears the air. Deals with it and moves on. And that's so refreshing to me! (And I think, in part, to Luke.)

I also kinda feel like the LuRe balloon has been kinda deflated, though. :-/ Yesterday was full steam ahead and today it all just kinda withered down to nothing. Oh, well...they'll always have that kiss!

And then Luke and Noah. Poor Noah, he looked so miserable on that bed. :-( But I liked how Luke sat with him and talked to him and asked him to open his eyes. ♥ C'mon, Noah, open your eyes! I wanna see you see again! And I wanna see Luke's face light up the moment you see him. ♥ I also wouldn't mind some completely cheesy dream sequences involving Angel!Luke again. ;-) Hee!


PS - Reid's theme song from now on? "He ate my heart...he a-a-ate my heart. That boy is a monster..."

HAHAHAHAHA. Lady Gaga clarifies everything. :-P

liberty, dusty, luke/reid, recap post, margo, craig, noah, janet, jack/carly, teri, parker, written by g

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