Subtlety, Thy Name is Most Assuredly NOT Carly and Parker - Today's Recap, 4/30/10

Apr 30, 2010 15:30

Carly: God, Janet! Why can't you keep your big fat mouth shut sometimes?!
*Disapproving!Jack stare*
Carly: Uh, I mean...please don't say bad things about my family...

Craig to Lucinda, as he's strangling the hell out of her: YOU DON'T MIND IF I GO COMPLETELY PSYCHO ON YOU OUT OF NOWHERE, RIGHT?! GLAD TO HEAR IT!!!


All right, so I have to admit that I didn't expect Lily, Lucinda, and now Holden to get wrapped up in this whole Gabriel storyline. I was just kinda hoping that this whole thing would go away quietly, but apparently the writers have other things in mind.

Lily's at home sniffling over her conscience while Holden's trying to get her to open up to him. He was actually very sweet with her (Oh, Holden, you're a good man!), but Lucinda shows up and basically says, "SHUT UP!" to the both of them. Holden suspects that something's up, but he doesn't press his luck. (Though he did try to tell Lucinda to step off a couple times, but you guys know Lucinda. She's always so bull-headed and Holden had to give up after a while. :-))

Then Lucinda says she's going to do some damage control with Craig after Lily admits to her that she told Craig the truth about Gabriel. So Lucinda forces her way into Craig's room at the Lakeview, and while the conversation started off somewhat civilly, Craig just leaps on her and starts throttling her with all he's got. (He was also kinda half-drunk at this point.) Craig threatens Lucinda, saying that if he loses another son, she better watch out! Then he tosses her out.

Lucinda makes it to the farm, where she's gasping and choking and barely able to speak, and she finds Holden there and tells him what happened. Holden rushes over to Lily, where he tells her that Lucinda told him everything about Gabriel, and now he's worried about Lily's safety (and the kids' safety). Holden vows that if Craig comes after her, he'll have to get through him first.

You guys see where this is going, right? Or where this has the potential to go? Let's just say that Craig loses his shit (yet again :-P) and decides to go after Lily. Who's gonna be there to beat the crap out of Craig with an oar? Why, that would be Holden. And then after Holden touches up on his paddling skillz with Craig's hide as his target, he and Lily will fall into each other's arms and Molly will be left going, "What the hell, Holden?!"

Am I right? :-P

Anyway. :-) Before Lucinda forced her way into his hotel room, Craig was at the hospital with Gabriel, literally crying at his bedside. Margo comes in to ask Craig some questions, and he says, "Is this an investigation?" to which Margo, of course, replies, "Yes." DUN DUN DUNNNNNN.

Craig downplays his emotions for Gabriel and Margo pretends to let it go as well. :-P She's suspicious about the whole thing, I know she is! Unfortunately, she's not handling this herself...she's appointing Jack head navigator of this whole "crime" investigation.

Later, Craig's at the crusty burnt up remains of Monte Carlo, drunk off his ass. He throws his liquor bottle at the wall and dramatically watches it smash to pieces. Then Carly slips up behind him to let him know his ass is grass, because she's got an inkling of what went on behind the scenes there.

So Carly and Parker have decided to keep the truth (the whole truth, and nothing but the truth :-P) from Jack, which I think is totally silly. You guys have heard that saying, right? "The truth shall set you free"? Yeah. Carly and Parker need to 'fess up, PRONTO.

Jack comes home from all the Ciccone Family Drama and finds Carly and Parker jumpy as cats around him. They try to tell him that they're just shaken up from the news of the fire, but Jack's not believing a word they say. He suggests a family walk, and Carly and Parker practically break out into hives while lying to him about Parker needing to go to the library to finish a paper for school. Once in Old Town, Parker tells Carly that he doesn't know if he can keep the truth from Jack for much longer, but Carly tells him it's for everyone's good if he does, including Jack's. She thinks that Jack will know that Parker's story sounds fishy and will try to cover him, and she doesn't want either of them in that position.

But for real. Just tell Jack the truth. Why? 'Cause Janet and Liberty are going to frick it all up!

Little Libby Lu's all *siiiiiiiigh* "The boys just love the shit out of me, what can I say?" to Janet, which prompts a discussion about Parker's behavior towards Gabriel (who Liberty insists is "just her friend" (yeah, right, and I'm the Queen of France!)) in which Liberty reveals that Parker broke into Gabriel's room and went through his stuff. Then Janet goes and blabs all of this to Jack, who now thinks that Parker, for some insane reason, did this with no justifiable cause. When in fact, PARKER WAS TOTALLY ON THE RIGHT PATH WITH GABRIEL! Argh, show! But apparently no one can be mad at the little blackmailer who can't breathe on his own at the moment. LOL. That sounds so bad!

For the record (since I don't want a Rocco Ciccone redux to happen), I do not want Gabriel to die. :-P I just want more screentime for my boys. Hehe!

Anyway. Janet and Liberty decide that they're going to move out on their own. Funny how Janet was like, "We'll be fine! I've got a great job, and it'll just be you, me, and the baby!" Except that JANET WORKS AT THE SAME PLACE DUSTY DOES. Remember that, Janet? Remember Dusty, the man who's fricken CRAZY FOR YOU and wants you to frigging marry him?!

But maybe this might work out! If Janet decides to move Liberty and herself out, and throws herself into work (as much as she can before the baby starts getting bigger), then Dusty can make his way back into Janet's life. That might work! And Liberty wants them to be together, too, so maybe she can help facilitate things right along!

Also...I'm curious about when Janet asked Liberty why she wasn't hungry. Foreshadowing? Liberty said she wasn't feeling sick again, she just wasn't hungry. But the show made a point of Janet asking her why. Hmmm. Maybe this leukemia isn't in as much remission as we thought!

And Margo came to Carly's to make Jack head investigator on the "arson" case, which he first tried to turn down. Margo talks him into it however, so things are going to start getting interesting now! Or whatever you want to call it. I'm waxing and waning on how I feel about the Gabriel storyline now, because while I know it's going to frustrate the living daylights out of me, I'm enjoying all the character interaction. Plus, there might be some on-screen action, which I seem to be craving lately. :-P

Which brings me to previews!


Why the hell would Vienna want Casey's baby, anyway? Isn't she supposed to be in love with Henry? And please, ATWT...Casey already went through the whole baby-daddy drama scenario...please, let's not do this again with him!

And HELLZ TO THE YEAH Henry for telling Vienna that he knows about her pregnancy plot! Henry finally grows a pair and let's her have it! Boo-ya, in your face, Vienna! :-P

And speaking of "having it" (you can interpret that phrase any way you like, depending on whether you know of impending spoilers or not LOL!), Luke rips into Doctor Oliver like an unforgiving tornado when Noah's surgery doesn't go quite as planned! YEE-HAW! I loves me some Feisty!Luke. And seriously...only one other person has incited that kind of passionate rage from Luke...and it was Damian. :-) I am BEYOND excited for this storyline next week! Gonna be so damn good! :-D

(Poor Reid, though...he looks like someone ran over his puppy after Luke yells at him! T_T)

Happy Friday! ♥


liberty, jack, gabriel, recap post, margo, carly, craig, lily, janet, holden, written by g, parker, lucinda

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