Apr 22, 2010 16:09
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMFG I loved today's episode.
Psst, Luke...save a mechanical bull, ride a cowboy! Preferably one that wears scrubs...he'll let you play with his stethoscope! ;-)
Holy hell. Okay.
I knew the kiss between Reid and Luke was happening today, but I did not expect it to happen like that!
Before I get into it, I'd like to say HELL YEAH to Eric. I love how he's just jumped with both feet into this role and given it all he's got. And HOLY CRAPOLA was Van's face hysterical after the kiss broke. I totally almost fell off my couch. My hat's off to both of you for this fantastic execution!
All right. Shall we start with Luke and Reid, then? I think yes.
So Luke calls Lily to tell her he's stuck in Texas because they haven't gotten any news about the malpractice hearing yet, and he asks her if she can take Holden with her to the awards ceremony for the Foundation, since Holden helped him work on the last few proposals and knows what's going on, should the press ask.
He hangs up with her and Reid makes a crack about him "talking to mommy" and fundraising in suits. Luke says he gets a free pass for being grumpy because of the hearing, and asks what's to do in Dallas. Reid's at a loss, so Luke takes matters into his own hands.
While Reid's wondering about whether or not his life is over (LOL, this was actually a pretty funny scene), Luke's finding them a bar to go to. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Reid's delivery was priceless when he said, "Let me guess...you found the nearest gay bar." HAHAHAHAHAHA. Nope. Just a bar with a FRICKEN MECHANICAL BULL.
So the two get there (Yippee ki-yay, motherf*cker!) and Reid starts making fun of the old dude who's currently taking the bull for a spin. Just to mess with him, Luke hops on it and has himself some fun, while Reid, who was incredulous at first, starts grinning from where he's standing at the bar. Then Luke comes back to taunt Reid about being afraid, and Reid defiantly hops on the thing to prove Luke wrong.
Oh, men. Always have to one-up each other. ;-)
Sidenote: HOLY F*CKING HELL Eric looked hot on that bull. Just sayin'. I've never seen so much hip-action concerning two gay characters in one scene on this show! :-P Van, of course, looked amazing, too. In fact, Van was pretty much amazing during the whole episode. :-D
So while Reid's teaching that bull a lesson, Luke notices that Reid has missed a phone call...from the medical board. So they get back to the hotel and Reid doesn't want to call, because he doesn't know what he'd do if they take his license away. Luke assures him that everything will be okay, and Reid finally calls.
Then comes the WHAM BAM, THANK YOU MA'AM kiss! Good God.
So Reid listens with a straight face on the phone to whatever's being said to him by whoever, and he (very noncomittally, if that's a word) says, "I see", hangs up the phone, and FRICKING GRABS LUKE'S FACE to kiss him! Poor Luke didn't know what hit him; this kiss basically knocked him on his ass because Reid just swooped in out of nowhere! Reid dive-bombed him, pretty much. ;-)
So Reid breaks the kiss and Luke's standing there gaping while Reid goes on and on about how he has his life back and all that. He looks as though he's about to leave when Luke basically says, "HELLO?! YOU KISSED ME?!" and while he admits that he didn't mind it (and he certainly didn't pull away), he thinks they shouldn't ignore the fact that it happened. Then Reid says, "I know I kissed you - had nothing to do with the phone call. Been wanting to kiss you for a while...Luke."
AND THEN THAT'S IT! THE SHOW FRICKING CUT IT OFF THERE! Argh. I just wanted one more scene so we all didn't feel like we were left hanging. Geez.
Also, kinda off-topic, but...why do I love it when two hot guys mack on each other so much?! Even my two lesbian sisters can't figure me out! LOL.
So, anyway. Yeah. The Noah/Luke/Reid triangle begins! Or that's my guess now. :-)
So while all this is going down in Texas, Lily shows up at the farm to collect Holden for the awards ceremony. After she explains that Luke asked if he could go in Luke's place, Holden agrees and has to break his picnic-and-horseback-riding date with Molly and the kids (kids = Faith and Ethan). So he and Lily skirt off to the Lakeview while Faith taunts Molly about Lily moving in on her man.
Silas Whitman tortures the crap out of Molly until she agrees to go meet him at room 701 at the Lakeview for an "interview". Faith insists that she and Ethan will be fine, and Molly leaves Silas' contact information with her.
Then blah blah douchey Silas taunts Molly about her failing relationship with Holden until Faith gives up where Molly is to him and he comes to break Silas in half. Molly is acting like a kid now. I understand that she feels that Lily is taking Holden away from her, but she should JUST BE HONEST about her feelings with Holden. Stop running around with a man who tried to kill you!!
Then Lily makes it back to the farm to find out that Ethan ate something out of Faith's bag that's making him sick. Lily flips her shit on Faith, thinking he swallowed prescription pills or something worse. It turns out to be just an overdose of candy. Whew! I don't want little Ethan to get hurt! But Lily's actions give Faith an excuse to once again act like a total biotch. Lily should run her over with a tractor. I mean, yeah...of course Faith's gonna be upset that Lily accused her of having drugs again, but if she NEVER HAD THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE and therefore didn't DESTROY HER PARENTS' TRUST, Lily would not have reacted that way. Faith made her bed; now she needs to sleep in it! Preferably without the use of a sleep-aid. They can be habit-forming. ;-)
And now on to Barbara/Henry/Vienna, and Katie!
So Henry has a total man-meltdown and has to breathe into a paper bag, claiming that Vienna is moving too fast for him. Katie says she'll talk to Vienna and try to get her to slow down, which she is successful in doing (but it makes Vienna suspicious). Later, Barbara runs into Henry and confesses that Vienna told her she wants to get pregnant by Henry before their wedding. Henry goes back into hyperventilating mode and Barbara calms him down and seriously, guys...go watch those scenes. Seriously. Even if you skip through everything else, go watch Barbara and Henry's scenes, because these scenes today were not only wonderful, but also mostly the reason why I love the two of them together. They're not even together anymore but Barbara took care of Henry just when he needed it, and you can tell that he still wants her. I'm going insane over here because I want them together SO BADLY! Go watch. ;-)
Then Henry tells Vienna that they should wait to have any sort of sex until after they're married, which does not go over well with Vienna. Oy. This situation = bad. Very, very bad. I'm thinking that Vienna still thinks that Henry and Katie have something going on.
But! Katie deserves a big squishy hug today! She and Barbara buried the hatchet and Katie even admitted that she's been too hard on Barbara! YAY! *hands her a cookie* Katie Snyder, you're a good woman. Unfortunately, Katie then offers to help Barbara find a new man, which, while it's coming from a good place, is a VERY BAD IDEA, I feel. Katie has not been the best match-maker, in my eyes. Barbara might be getting in over her head! Besides, I want Barbara with Henry! Screw the match-making. She's already been "matched". :-P
Anyway, YAY! Today's episode was mucho fun. I know a lot of you probably didn't like it, given the storyline, but on the bright side, we got to see a happy Luke who was torturing the hell out of Reid for most of the ep, and boy did Van look yummy while doing it. :-) Plus...mechanical bull. C'mon...any episode of a soap opera with a fricken mechanical bull in it has got to be at least a little fun! ;-)
Unfortunately...tomorrow is back to more Janet and her continued antics. Oh, show. I wish this storyline would stop dragging. It's bringing me down. :-P Rip it like a band-aid, ATWT! Rip it with all you got! Stop slogging through the mud with this endless back-and-forth Janet nonsense.
recap post,
written by g,