Apr 14, 2010 15:40
So Barbara and Henry have effectively torn my still-beating fangirl heart from my chest, tied it into knots, stomped on it, and then shoved it back in. Major :-( with them today!
So Vienna decides it's a wonderful idea to invite Barbara to this impromptu engagement party that Katie's throwing for her because "Barbara's practically family". Oy. If only you knew, Vienna!
Barbara tries to make some excuses to get out of it, but Vienna will have none of it and enlists Henry's help in making sure Barbara comes. Barbara beats a path out of the Lakeview to go talk to Paul about her emotional woes, but Paul doesn't want to give her any of his time and she leaves, really upset.
Bad Paul! C'mon...listen to your mom! She wanted your help and you basically told her to go die in a fire. Poor Barbara can't catch a break.
So then Barbara gets this slinky black dress on and has one of her Mirror, mirror, on the wall... moments in which Henry's with her and they're being all seductive-like with one another. Then Barbara realizes that she's really alone, and starts swigging the alcohol like it's her job.
Then she shows up at the engagement party at Metro drunk as a skunk and tries to make a toast, which really turns into a "WHY DOESN'T HENRY COLEMAN SOME RANDOM DUDE I'M BLABBERING ABOUT LOVE ME?!" speech. Katie interrupts her before Barbara can actually "out" herself and Henry to everyone, and she takes off, but not after Paul stops her to demand what the hell's the matter with her and she shrieks, "You've never understood me!" at him.
Henry, worried that Barbara is going to get into an accident if she gets behind the wheel, races out of the party to find her. And he does, in Old Town, where Barbara's huddled on a bench crying and the two of them proceed to have the most heart-wrenching scene I've ever witnessed concerning their relationship.
Basically Barbara turned into a blubbering big hot mess and kept telling Henry to stop making a fool of her, and he held her and tried to soothe her so she would calm down and stop crying. T_T So damn sweet! Then Henry takes her back to her room at the Lakeview and sits with her, and they kiss and are about to really get into it when Katie shows up and spoils all the heart-wrenchingly bittersweet good fun.
Katie drags Henry out of the room, and after Henry calls back at Barbara that he'll call her, Barbara goes ballistic and tells him it's over and she's done. At this point she's a freaking crazy person who's flailing about and slamming doors and screeching. BHM. BIG HOT MESS!
But still, SO SAD! T_T I can't blame her for flipping out like a lunatic.
Then Katie takes Henry back to his room TO SERIOUSLY MOTHER HIM LIKE SHE'S NEVER MOTHERED HIM BEFORE. Honestly, I think Katie mothers Henry more than she mothers Jacob. After Henry says that he loves Vienna but has feelings for Barbara and doesn't know if he can give her up, Katie basically yells, "YOU WILL STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" like Henry has no say in the matter.
Geez, Katie. Your best friend is TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING. WHY ARE YOU NOT LISTENING TO HIM?!?!?! Does she hear the words that are coming out of his mouth?! Henry OUTRIGHT admitted that he has feelings for Barbara and Katie's STILL pushing him to marry Vienna!! THERE IS A MAJOR DISCONNECT HERE!!!
Would you guys be pushing your BFF to marry your other BFF if he plainly admitted to you that he has feelings for another girl?! How is this going to work out well for Vienna? She's gonna get clobbered somehow, I have a feeling. Something's going to go wrong and Vienna's going to get seriously hurt in this whole thing. This is basically Henry's M.O. for life.
Anyway, Henry and Katie blatantly lie to Vienna about their arguing, and she buys their excuses. Henry goes to take some anti-acid for his "stomachache" and that's how the story left off.
We had some really juicy, really delicious scenes with Barbara and Henry, but Katie came in and fricked it all up. Sheesh. Katie really needs a man of her own so he can distract her from meddling in other people's lives. I can't wait till Reid gets back from Dallas so she can mother him instead of Henry. At least we know that Reid wouldn't let Katie interfere as much with his love life! I think Reid needs to give Henry a lesson in how to handle Katie, STAT! That conversation about Reid having Teh Warm Fuzzies for Luke went nowhere because he was able to put his foot down. He needs to teach Henry how to put the kabosh on Katie right quick, for all our sakes! Otherwise I'm going to be headdesking for eternity.
(Of course, I'm ignoring the fact that in Reid's case, Katie was right about his feelings. LOL!)
HAHA. Hank and Reid team-up! It could be classic, you guys. Can you imagine the LULZ? :-D
Anyway, back to the show. :-)
So Chris and Ali are getting it on! And by "getting it on" I mean that Chris has confessed to still having feelings for Ali, but she wants to keep her distance because of his family and their past and all that. They ended up together at Metro for the party and I've gotta say, they're cute together. They don't get me all squealy like Ali and Casey did, but Chris is a good guy. But Ali is also considering this new job position she's been offered - Nurse Administrator, I think she said it was - and the job's in Chicago. So...who knows what's gonna go on with that.
Oh, and that blue dress Ali had on at Metro? GORGEOUS. OMG I loved that dress!!! Absolutely beautiful on her.
So now let's move on to Emily and Paul!
Meg decides that she's going to ask if she can spend her one night out of Deerbrook at Fairwinds. Emily (and Emma) are not so happy with the idea, but Paul agrees. Paul and Emily leave to go the engagement party, amd Meg gets to spend some time with Eliza alone.
When they come back, Emily admits that she pretty much feels like Meg is still all EEE EEE EEE EEE (that's the music from Psycho, btw :-P) and doesn't trust her, but she gets a call about Silas Whitman and goes to get an interview with him, leaving Paul at home with Meg and Eliza. The three of them go to bed, but Eliza wakes up in the middle of the night and Meg goes into Paul's room to check on them. Paul explains that usually when Eliza gets fussy, he and Emily just bring her into the bed with them and she sleeps there. So after Meg says she'll take care of Eliza for the night, Paul gets back into bed and Meg climbs in next to him after he's fallen asleep (which Paul, I'm betting, is not expecting her to do).
Aaaaand that's when Emily shows back up. She walks into her own room to see Paul asleep with Meg and Eliza in her bed.
Granted...Eliza is in between Paul and Meg, and it really doesn't look like anything funny's been going on. All adults have all articles of clothing in proper working order. :-P But Emily's less than enthused about the situation...and we'll get more on it tomorrow! :-P She hasn't woken Paul up yet to rain her fire down upon him.
Poor Paul. He's a good father, and a good husband. FINALLY. I don't want anything screwing that up! (Meg Snyder, I'm looking at you!) Though, I gotta say...Paul needs to step his game up as a son. Barbara was really hurt by him today. :-(
Previews for tomorrow are Luke and Doc Oliver in Dallas playing cat-and-mouse with one another, Lily sniffling about how Faith hates her and she "has to let Faith go" (*gag*), and of course, Emily ripping Paul a new one. Just another day on As the World Turns! (Or as my Dad likes to call it: "As the World Barfs/As My Stomach Turns". HAHA. Thanks for the support, Dad!)
recap post,
written by g,