Double Daddies and Double Crossings - Today's Recap, 3/2/10

Mar 02, 2010 15:39

So...maybe I'm being nitpicky, but...why aren't the boys EVER featured on the previews for the upcoming episodes?

I mean, we know they're on tomorrow, but did we get to see it? Nope. Reid/Kim/Bob, Henry/Katie, and more Damian/DB Nu!Faith. Would it kill the producers or whoever makes this decision to put in two seconds of the boys talking to each other?


I think I'm just annoyed because the boys have been forsaken. At least, that's what it feels like for us Nuke fans. Does the show remember that they have two characters named Luke and Noah? I'm just wondering.


Okay, so let's start with Damian. First, whoever styled his hair today should be dragged outside and shot. The man needs a haircut like PRONTO. A cut, maybe some color, and a little style. Is that too much to ask? :-P

Anyway, so Damian "helps" Faith by bailing her out of her marijuana problem, but as far as I know, she's still suspended from the school. So Damian tells her that he's got this "cousin" who took advantage of Damian's "death" to set Holden up or some such nonsense like that. I don't believe this story Damian fed Faith. I'm pretty sure Damian is lying because all he wants is to get back to Lily. Why he would want to get back to Lily, I have no idea. She's more than likely to toss him out on his behind, know Damian. He doesn't give up.

As for Nu!Faith...aside from being a dumb bitch (I say that with a smile :-P), she's actually a pretty good actress. I will reserve further judgment until I see her interact with the boys. Today she wasn't bad, but I desperately wanna see her with Luke and Noah. Or at least Luke, for now. (However, she's still an idiot for believing Damian, although she really didn't have much of a choice.)

So, Holden tells Lily that he wants her to take the kids and leave town today. Of course Lily refuses, but my question is (as it has been for the last couple of months, I feel) WHAT ABOUT LUKE? Holden's worried about Lily, Faith, Natalie, and Ethan becoming victims of Damian's scheme, but has he forgotten that LUKE IS RUNNING DAMIAN'S COMPANY?! Damian could easily slip in without being noticed (or pay his employees off for their silence), and do something to Luke. Now, do I think he would do something awful to Luke? No, probably not. Not at this stage in their relationship. But, could he? ABSOLUTELY. Desperate times call for desperate measures, am I right? Damian wasn't above choking Meg or cheating on Lily, so you never know!

Why has everyone forgotten about Luke? Geez. He should change his name to Chopped Liver.

Of course, Lily's not going anywhere, so it almost doesn't matter. She's gotta stick around and roll her eyes some more at Molly, because apparently she can't get enough of doing that. :-P

I like Holden and Molly together, I really do. I think Lily needs to take a step back from men and just focus on her kids right now. She barely spends any time with them, and Faith's getting high at school and needs a swift kick in the ass like, yesterday. So, it's time to step up, Lily! Let go of Holden - he's moved on (and he's happy) - and just focus on yourself and the kids!

Well, after you help Molly break Holden out of jail. The kids will be better off with their father readily available to them. Then you need to back off. No more Damian, no more Holden, no more NOBODY. Just be alone for five seconds and see if you can handle it. You don't need a man to be a complete person!


Wow. I'm just full of tangents today, aren't I? Oops. :-P

So now for Dusty/Janet/Carly/Jack...

Can I get an AMEN in the house?! FINALLY everything was just laid FLAT-OUT. Everyone knows everything. Thank all that's holy!

But, I have to say, I had no sympathy for Janet. I really didn't. She gets all upset about Jack's feelings for Carly, but she's the one who broke their marriage vows first. And it's almost stupid for her to get upset over anything anymore, because Dusty is drooling over her like it's his job. What's the problem here? Okay, so your marriage to Jack didn't work out. Big whoop. Go be with Dusty. He's already taken better care of you than Jack has these past couple months, and the man's only in it because he, y'know, ADORES YOU. So what the problem is?! :-P

One thing I admit I felt bad about is that it was true when Janet said that Carly has always been in the relationship with them. I agree. I don't think Carly's ever truly left Jack's heart. I don't blame him for it, but I do recognize that it's there. And that most likely was very hard for Janet to compete with.

But still. It doesn't give her the right to sleep with someone else. Jack being caught in a cabin with a deliriously sick Craig and Carly when he promised to be with Janet on New Year's Eve does not excuse Janet's actions. Disappointment in one's spouse should not lead to infidelity. And besides, Janet was willingly partaking in the battle of the tongues with Dusty several times after that, and it didn't seem to be weighing too heavily on her conscience, so what does that say about her feelings? They obviously lie with Dusty. Being with Jack now would be more obligation, less loving commitment. And Janet admitted herself today that that is not what she wants in a relationship.

So I say cut, print it, check the gate, and MOVE ON! All four of you. :-D

And Craig. WTF Craig. Locking Carly in her room and taking all the phones with you. Wow. What a jerk!

And Carly gave me a heart attack! I really thought she was reaching for the alcohol in the mini-bar at the hotel. But alas, she chose the chocolate, because every girl knows that chocolate > alcohol. :-) (Unless it's chocolate-flavored alcohol, and in that case, you're on your own! :-P)

Okay, so...not to be sarcastic or anything, but...Gee, I hope the boys are on tomorrow! I have no idea if they will be, because the preview showed nothing of the sort! I guess we just have to look forward to Reid and Henry and more crazy Damian stuff.



PS - I love Natalie. What a sweet little kid! :-D And Ethan was cute as a button today, too!

ethan, dusty, jack, natalie, faith, recap post, carly, craig, lily, janet, damian, written by g, holden/molly

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