Feb 25, 2010 15:52
Of course, it's still microscopic and made of steel, but hey! It's there. Plus, there's no way Reid could have ignored Luke. Teehee!
Did you guys see Luke's face when Reid said, "Oh, don't get cute"? Luke cocked his head as if to say, "What...you think I'm cute?" LMAO. Oh yes, we think you're cute, Luke! VERY!
Also: NOAH CAMEO! Whoo! Noah Mayer, still the best boyfriend ever. He campaigned for Reid to help Luke even though he and Luke are whatever they are right now (I dunno if they're together or apart or somewhere in between or what). He melted my heart when he was telling Reid about Luke and how upset he was over Damian's "death". ♥_♥ God. I do not EVER get sick of the boys' love for each other.
Ahem. Anyway. :-)
So I actually missed the first three minutes of today's episode because CBS sucks moose eggs and always decides to run that stupid "Eye on the Storm" report right at 2pm. They make such a big deal out of it, like the world's going to end because it's snowing. Ugh. Anyway, that pissed me off big-time. That's like missing the first five minutes of a movie, or missing the first pitch at a baseball game. ARGH!
So the show started for me with Reid saying something like, "Do we have an understanding?" or something like that. I was still mad at CBS and sorta half-missed what he said. :-P
Anyway. Wow...would I like to talk about the show now? Yes. :-)
Okay. So my love for Reid Oliver has like, tripled in the past two days. He frustrates the crap out of me most times, like today when he initially wouldn't help Luke, and then got all "I do what I want, THE END" with Noah, but then he goes and redeems himself by helping out anyway. Hee! And now Holden's off the hook for a while.
Oh, and...I'm not gonna lie, this scene went briefly through my head before I remembered that I desperately do not want Reid to be gay:
Luke: I owe you.
Reid: On your knees, boy.
LOL! Totally kidding. But I can say that I see the appeal of Luke/Reid (because two hot guys, hello!), and I'd probably even be okay if Reid had a crush on Luke, but I don't want to see any kind of straying on Luke's part. Not that I think he would. I don't. Luke is so far gone when it comes to his love for Noah, there's no turning back. I think Noah would have to physically assault Luke in order for Luke's feelings to change for him. So I don't see a relationship with Reid happening and I really honestly do want Reid to be straight (LOL, that just sounds funny). But I wouldn't blame Reid for having a crush on Luke!
Anyway, the show didn't hint at anything like that. Reid wants Luke's legal help, like testifying at Reid's trial that Reid didn't steal Luke's car so the judge will release Reid from custody and allow him to return to Dallas. I don't know if Luke's going to do that, because he didn't flat-out agree to, but I'm thinking he will since Reid helped out with Damian (and keeping Holden in Oakdale) today, and also because he told Luke that he's not going to bail on Noah anytime soon.
And that scene with Reid and Noah was funny. Reid mentions how "once again" Luke deviated into his path and "interrupted" his day, and Noah was so surprised that he only replied with, "Luke?" And Reid says, "Just how many boyfriends do you have in this town?" LMAO. Be nice, Dr. Oliver! And then the crack Reid made about Lily! *facepalm* HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah yeah, so she's slightly good-looking, what of it?! :-P She's still a dumb bitch most of the time! LOL.
Speaking of her, did you see Lily's face when Molly got Holden off (haha! Bad choice of words!) and he and Molly were getting all huggy-kissy cozy in front of her? HAHA. She looked like she wanted to barf. Or make faces at them behind their backs. HAHA!
Oh, and can I point out how FREAKING HYSTERICAL it is that Holden wanted Molly to bring Lily to the station so he could TELL LILY HOW TO BE A GOOD MOM TO THEIR KIDS?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Lily's parenting skills suck. Holden basically said, "Please bring her here so I can teach her how to deal with my kids, just in case I have to leave. Kthx!" I love that Holden is the better parent, and I don't know why.
And how excited was I to see Tom today? So excited I did a little dance! Okay, no I didn't, but I was totally psyched to see Tom and see him doing his job, even. YAY! And then later, he was SO SWEET with Casey! OMG. I love Tom! He was so sweet with Casey and he's still supporting Casey's decision to become a lawyer. ♥ Tom Hughes, you're a good father!
But Casey. Oh Casey. So, let me get this straight: Alison cheats on Casey with Mick, lies to his face about pretty much everything under the sun, their wedding gets held up by a crazed murderer who has Mick's face, Casey finds out on his wedding day and in front of EVERYONE that Ali cheated on him, he gets tied up and punched around and emotionally torn up inside, and HE THINKS IT'S ALL HIS FAULT?!
Seriously?! No, Casey! It wasn't your fault!
And then Ali says to him, "I haven't been very fair to you." UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY!!!
But...Ali and Casey's scene in the hospital room, when she was cleaning his hand, was really sweet. I, personally, think it's a little too soon for them to be patching things up and being all buddy-buddy, but the scene was very endearing, and it truly shows what a great person Casey really is. ♥
Oh, except that a few minutes earlier, he was threatening to throw Mick from the hospital rooftop! LOL. Can't say as I blame him!
But of course, Casey didn't. He'd rather see Mick rot in jail. I'd rather see Mick tied to a set of railroad tracks or burned at the stake, but hey...I'll take what I can get!
And oh yes, let me also point out that Casey didn't throw Mick from the rooftop even after MICK PUNCHED HIM IN THE FACE. That would have been the last straw for me. I wouldn't have cared if my hand was hanging on by its last tendon...I would have tossed that dude from the roof and waved at him all the way down.
And does this mean that Mick is gone FOREVER?! Oh please, oh please, oh please! Let this be the truth!
Anyway, back to Holden. So he's officially off the hook for now, because Molly ran her report at WOAK about how the Grimaldi family was trying to strong-arm Holden into going to Malta to stand trial, even though it's not proven that Holden killed Damian (and the crime took place in the U.S.), and everything got turned on its head what with Reid's report about the dude in the photos having Huntington's Disease. So I guess Holden's just going to be in custody for a while, I dunno.
But! SHOCKER! DAMIAN'S STILL ALIVE! *gasp/faint/scream/etc* And I guess he was trying to set Holden up to take the fall? LAME! But that's sure what it looked like, because he got all pissed and trashed his office when he saw that the extradition was being postponed. Oh, Damian. I luv ya, but sometimes you act like a kid! Damian's the ant-bully. You know...Holden's the ant and Damian's the kid with the magnifying glass on a hot sunny day. :-P
And where the hell was Damian? I'm guessing Malta, but technically he could be anywhere in the world. Grimaldi Shipping is an international business, so he could have offices anywhere. I'm pretty sure we'll find out soon; Damian has to make his shocking reappearance! (Damn, I guess I'm not getting my seaweed-drenched Damian-fainting scene. *frowny face*)
Today's eppy was good! I would have liked to have seen more Noah, of course, but I think that cry falls on deaf ears most of the time. :-( In any case, we got lots of total man-hotness today: Casey, Luke, Reid, Noah...I'LL TAKE IT! Hehe. :-D And Holden's story actually went somewhere today. Now maybe we can focus back on the boys and Noah's surgery and all that good stuff? Please, ATWT?
I'm sad to say, there most likely won't be a recap from me tomorrow. :-( Honey and I are spending the weekend with our aunt, so we're doing a lot of traveling tomorrow, starting in the afternoon. I'm honestly not even sure that I'm going to get to watch the show, actually. But I'm taping it, and if I can do the recap, I promise I will. :-) Even if it's on Sunday at like, 11pm. :-)
So...Happy Thursday, everyone! And Happy Friday in advance! :-P
recap post,
doc oliver,
written by g,