Who's Your Daddy? - Today's Recap, 2/9/10

Feb 09, 2010 15:46

Okay, so...putting aside the fact that Holden just recently beat the snot out of him with an oar, Damian pretty much pwned everyone in his vicinity with his last stint in Oakdale, didn't he? In random order: He convinced Holden (and the rest of the Snyders) that Meg was crazy, he carried on an affair that Lily had no idea about, he paid Officer Grady and Sharkey off to cover his tracks, had Molly hold out on the truth with Holden, had Meg committed to a mental institution, and he instigated the whole mess that was Mason's dismissal from OU. And somewhere in there he managed to adopt Noah (wtf?!) and give Luke a job (hello, nepotism), neither of which really helps his case at the moment.

But still, wow. That man must get up very early in the morning! :-D

Anyway, let's start with Holden and Luke. I admit, at first I was disappointed with their scenes. Well, their beginning scenes, anyway. Holden is not telling Luke the truth, which, given Luke's history with the whole Reg murder/Marc Vero/Elwood disaster, you would think that Holden would 'fess up right away to avoid Luke's inevitable run-in with trouble. But nope, Holden's holding steadfast with his whole "Damian sailed away on a ship. The End." theory. And for whatever reason, that whole "I'M YOUR FATHER!!" bit so reminded me of Mufasa and Simba, when Simba gets caught in the elephant graveyard and Mufasa has to come rescue him. Luke's poor little face was so shocked when Holden went off on him, and it was like a classic parent-child "DO WHAT I SAY!" moment. Except that in this case, Holden was overreacting just a TINY BIT, don't ya think? :-P

This just means that Van and Jon are awesome. I have often wondered how they do the whole father-son thing so well. I guess those roles are easily relatable, though.

But! That scene in the hospital, with Luke talking about how Holden couldn't fix Noah's eyesight, or keep Noah from pushing Luke away...that was so sad! :-( Poor Luke. I'm glad he got a few moments to talk about it with Holden, though. He needs his father! And it's upsetting me that Holden's not telling the truth, though it seems like from the previews tomorrow, that Luke is gonna put the pieces together himself. :-( Luke doesn't need two dads lying to him! Oh, Holden.

And Meg and Lily today. PFFT HAHAHAHAHA. Remember my unequivocal sound of nails on a chalkboard? (Sounds something like this: SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :-P) Yeah, that was Meg again today. Oy gevalt. And then she was all, "YOU CALLED THE COPS ON ME?!" but instead of running for it right away, she stood around for another half an hour to scream at Lily about it. LULZ. And Lily's a wimp. For real. When it comes to Damian or Eb, Lily's all for jumping on them and trying to wreak havoc, but when it comes to Meg, she cowers and snivels. I don't understand this. What happened to the Lily who slapped Meg full-on with her wedding dress? Let's get back to that, please!

And apparently Damian has become Gertrude Ederle HAHAHAHA. (Google it, biznatches.) Luke hears that there was a bloodied body on one of the lower decks of a Grimaldi ship, but when the captain dude went to see who it was, the body had vanished DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN. So now I'm guessing Damian's flailing about in the water, trying to swim back from Malta to Oakdale. HAHAHAHA! Maybe he'll make a dramatic reappearance a la Holden's return from Kentucky. Damian will stumble in, dripping from head to toe, a bit of seaweed hanging off him, a couple starfish stuck to his back, and Luke will take one look at him, gasp, and then Damian's eyes will roll up in his head and he'll smack face-first onto Lily's living room floor.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. I entertain myself too much with this stuff, I really do. :-)

Anyway. So Molly helps NutMeg change her mind about fleeing the state of Illinois and hopefully Meg will return home now. I really liked how Meg was like, "Why did Lily do that to me?!" and Molly was like, "Because she's Lily," and they both snickered. LOL!

And who's surprised that Liberty was actually tolerable today?! Wow!! She apologized to Jack for being a snit, even! Yay! And her scenes with Parker were really sweet and sad. She's very lucky to have someone like Parker with her right now. They were totally cute snuggling in bed together.

Which leads me to Carly and Jack! Yeehaw. Somehow those two just keep finding ways to make their lips meet. ;-) I loved their scene with Parker's principal, though. Jack put him in his place! Sucka! :-) Holy cow. And then there was angsty-kissy goodness in the farm kitchen. I love Jack's woobie faces. And he was so straight-up with Carly today. Wow. He just kinda blurted, "I love you," right at her. Which, consequently, made her flee the room, but still. Whew! :-)

More boys tomorrow! And by "more", I mean NOAH! Yay. Hopefully tomorrow's ep won't hurt too much. Maybe we'll get some sweetness before the pain. (I dunno about you guys, but I'm ready for the boys to kiss and make up. BIG TIME.) Something tells me it's going to be angst as far as the eye can see, though. And more Reid stuff. HAHA!

Oh, and I have to say, when there was that eruption of "OMG Reid is basically House!" going on, I didn't see it much...but alas, after a Saturday afternoon marathon of House on Bravo, I TOTALLY see the comparison! HAHA. But, I've always loved House, therefore, it's no shock that I like Reid, too. I don't think they're exactly the same, but they're definitely reminiscent of one another! Hehe. And hey, imitation is the highest form of flattery, right? (God, I hate that saying! :-P)



liberty, jack, recap post, molly, carly, lily, holden, luke, parker, written by g, meg

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