Feb 01, 2010 15:44
WHEE! Today's episode was so GREAT! I'm not even sure where to start! If this turns out to be a little messy and all over the place, I apologize...it's going to be very stream of conciousness.
Let's begin with Holden and Damian's confrontation on the docks. It was pretty much a pissing contest between the two of them, with a conversation that went like this:
Damian: I love Luke and Lily!
Holden: You lied to them!
Damian: But I love Luke and Lily!
Holden: But you lied to them!
Damian: BUT I LOVE--
Holden: Ahh, let's just make with the fighting.
HAHAHAHA. That's pretty much all that happened. We didn't really get anything juicy fighting-wise than that till Holden made it back to the farm, shaking and bloodied. And apparently, Holden's definition of "letting Damian go" really means that he kicked the shit out of Damian with a paddle. LOL! Anybody else reminded of the Kevin-paddle incident from way back when? HAHA. I'm pretty sure Holden would NOT jump into the water to save Damian, though. He'd probably watch Damian sinking and then dance a jig right there on the docks before going home. :-P
So, yeah. Holden beat the snot of out Damian and dragged him somewhere (from what I could tell), and now he's just about to tell Molly what happened. I think we're gonna get more of the story tomorrow. Whee!
I have to admit that I'm sad that Holden's injuries took away from his hug with Luke. :-( Luke didn't even get his full arms around him before Holden flinched and Luke backed off. Wahhhhh! I wanted more sweetness and hugging with the two of them today. They barely got any time to talk or hug or reconnect. Boo. :-( Although Luke reassured Holden that he was his real father and I thought that was sweet.
And Lily. HAHA. Lily = TOOL. :-P I didn't mind her today, most likely because she was self-deprecating the whole time, AND she was incredibly sweet with Luke. Especially when she told him that she was grateful to Damian for giving her such a loving, wonderful son. AWWWW! I LOVED THAT! That was so sweet. And when Luke hugged her at the hospital, and he said to her, "It's just so nice to be needed." POOR BABY! :-( Momma always needs you.
Which brings me to NUKE! Okay, who are you and what have you done with that selfish, angry Noah?! Oh, wait...I mean...HELLS YES! Noah FINALLY gets over himself for two seconds and pays some REAL attention to Luke. And they were holding hands! And Noah was just about to forfeit his deal with Dr. Oliver when Luke stood up for him and told him not to. And then threatened Dr. Oliver that be'd better do his best for Noah in the surgery. ♥ ♥ That scene was made of win.
And let's also not for get how Luke FINALLY FRICKING stood up for himself to Noah today!! YAY! Instead of coddling or babying, right when Noah told him the new "rules" (PS how unprofessional are these rules?! *eyeroll*), he went off. Luke talked about how they're supposed to be PARTNERS, and he even said, "WHAT ABOUT ME?" Oh, thank GOD! Thank God Luke finally said that. Yes, what about Luke?! *shakes fist* And instead of Noah just getting angry at him, he actually listened. And he apologized about Damian, even though Damian is not Noah's favourite person on the planet. Hee!
And and and...the ending scene in Old Town. That conversation was so sad, OMG. Noah genuinely wanted to know what was going on, but Luke said that if he got into it, he would break down (poor baby! *squishes him*) and then Noah would want to comfort him and they'd violate the "rules". And then Luke walked away. Man. Balls of steel. I'm loving how even though Luke's world is basically falling apart, and he's feeling neglected and unloved by Noah, he still doesn't want to get in the way of Noah's surgery. Not that I blame him, since Noah's been pretty much unbearable since the accident (half with justification, half with not, in my opinion), and the surgery guarantees some hope of Noah not being a jerk anymore, but I don't think that's Luke's true motivation. I think he honestly just wants Noah to have his eyesight back, everything else be damned.
Oh, boys. ♥ Looking forward to Friday, and of course, the goodness that's to come next week! :-D
(And, I've been wondering...where's Noah going to stay while he's following these rules of Dr. Oliver's? Surely the doctor won't operate if he knows Noah is living in the same house as Luke! *eyeroll*)
And speaking of him, let's move on to good ol' Mr. Personality and Friends. And by "friends", I mean Katie, because she's really the only one who gives a flying rat's ass about Reid right now. And what's that I see? REID ACTUALLY KNOWS HOW TO SMILE?! Amazing.
All right, so I like Katie and Reid. I do. They've got great chemistry. But let's face it, in the real world, would a single mother who's husband just died invite an unknown male into her house, to live? I THINK NOT. Henry said exactly what I was thinking: "Doctors can still be serial killers!!!" She doesn't know this guy; he could end up being some kinda freak!
But for soap purposes, I'm loving it. I'm loving Reid. He cracks me up, he really does. And he and Henry today were priceless. I loved when Henry asked Reid how he would feel if the man he loved died and he was left all by his lonesome. HAHAHA. (Foreshadowing?) Reid's face was so funny when he said, "I don't even know how to answer that." (Yeah, right!)
There's apparently something in Reid's history that's supposed to be "stunning" - some crazy secret that he's hiding. I'm really wondering what it is. I'm hoping it's not a case of The Drifting Gay. Oakdale seems to be able to hold only Luke and Noah as the resident gays; everyone else has just drifted in, caused a ruckus, and then floated out, usually leaving drama and angst in their wake. The only other semi-permanent gay was Reg, and the writers made short work of him, didn't they?
But then I was thinking that maybe Katie would find something out when she Googled Reid today and it would be something else (like maybe he accidentally killed one of his patients. And maybe she happened to be his wife. Who was pregnant at the time. With twins. Or--), but apparently everything about him on the internet is all sunshine and rainbows. *Sigh* I know we have to wait for Chris to come home, but still. Throw me a bone here, writers. I wanna know what Reid's been keeping tucked away underneath that white hospital coat.
Anyway, back on topic. Katie and Reid BFFs! Not. Henry will see to it that Reid does not take his place. :-) Also, I loved how Katie was basically like, "YOU CAN'T MOVE IN, NOW STOP ASKING! YOU'RE A PAIN IN THE ASS! Thanks for watching Jacob, though! Kisses!" to Henry and then walked out. LOL! You're lucky Henry loves you, Bubbles!
Aaaaaand Lucinda! How great was it to see her, huh?! I loves me some Lucinda! And she looked so pretty today. Though I thought she was kinda harsh to Molly. I guess I'm still on the Holden/Molly train, because when Lucinda started in on Molly about Lily and Holden being "inevitable", I found myself disagreeing. Right now, I think the LAST thing Lily needs is to jump right back into Holden's arms. I think Lily needs a hiatus from men, ASAP. Plus, she needs to be there to support Luke, because they're like two peas in a pod right now. The only other person who can truly understand Damian and everything that happened is Lily, and as we saw today, Luke's going to need her backup. He needs her to tell him that it's okay for him to still love Damian, even through all the horrible things Damian's done. Especially since, I believe, Damian has always loved Luke. I've questioned Damian's love for Lily on many accounts, but ever since he came back to Oakdale, I've never thought twice about his love for Luke.
This whole situation is so SAD! :-( But I'm loving me the soapy drama!
Today's episode was so good. I love that the boys have been scheduled for Mondays and Fridays for a while now, so we get to start and end our weeks with them! Hehe! Not bad!
recap post,
doc oliver,
written by g,