Excuse the late-night mindless rambling post

Jan 16, 2010 03:20

You know what this fandom needs more of? Femmeslash.

I'm waiting for the washer to get done with my clothes, and I've decided to post something that's been on my mind for quite some time. And by quite some time, I mean every time another gay man drifts into Oakdale and I burst out with "Can we please get some lesbians up in here?"

Considering if you throw a rock at this fandom there's a good chance you'll hit a lesbian or bisexual female, the dearth of lady-on-lady slightly mystifies me. :\ I've seen two fics with a femmeslashy element in them, three if you count Horiya: a drabble featuring Bisexual!Meg, and a fic featuring Lesbian!Ali. (I purposely wrote Nazli and Lujayn into Horiya just so we could get some femmeslash in Oakdale, though unfortunately they don't get a story arc until Part II.)

I suppose it's because most people are in ATWT just for Luke/Noah, and hey, no one can fault anyone for that. But has no one considered the flangsty allure of Meg/Molly? The giddy "why not?" of Meg/Vienna? The angsty crackishness of Janet/Carly or Ali/Maddie? The Audrey/Barbara and Lily/Molly hatesex would be EPIC, y'all can't deny it. Sage was pinging my gaydar awhile back, too. Ignore the fact that I have shit for gaydar. Oh man, someone should totally write a fic called "A Rose for Emily". Three guesses as to which two that fic's about. (And it can be decidedly less creepy than the short story, plzkthx.)

C'mon guys! Oakdale hosts some hot ladies; they can't all be wasted on the men! Even if Luke/Noah's your main squeeze, side-ships can be your friend-with-benefits!

I'm not sure if this is a just a giggly lack-of-sleep ramble or something that can prompt an intelligent discussion, so I leave this to the comments to decide that.


written by honey, femmeslash, ali/maddie, luke/noah, emily/rose, janet/carly, lily/molly, barbara/audrey, meg/vienna, sage, meg/molly

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