Dear Dad, I Am So Glad You're Dead. Love, Paul - Today's Recap, 1/7/10

Jan 07, 2010 15:26

Oh, boy. Where to start with this episode?

Let's talk about how Creepy!Mick is creepy, shall we? When he first came to Oakdale, he was okay. He was a total stranger, but that was fine. Now that we know he's James (if he really is James), he seriously just gets creepier by the minute. Which, I guess, makes sense, if he is who he claims to be.

So he has this whole creepy thing going on with Alison, which is making me very angry, because she's offering her services to him (not like that, you perverts! Hehe) without knowing what's really going on in his head. I would say that I'd like to see a James vs Casey smackdown, but I have a feeling, that even with that beautiful temper Casey has, James would destroy Casey. Casey's a good person; James is not. So I think James would win. Although I do think that KnightInShiningArmor!Casey is going to come to Ali's rescue some time in the future. :-)

And Barbara...what was up with her? She spits venom in Mick's direction every time they talk, but when Ali brings him up in a relatively innocent conversation, Barbara takes her head off about it! Someone is still slightly possessive of James, isn't she? :-P Confuzzling, considering that she blames James for everything bad in her past.

And Emily. It was so cool when she finally ripped into Mick and threatened to pull the plug on the whole operation. But, of course, Mick has his little Flashlight of Doom and has now done something to Emily - we don't know what. I liked how Paul came home to apologize to her and he brought champagne and then when he kissed her and she basically just flounced over on the couch, he picked her up immediately and brought her to the hospital. Yay. Good boy, Paul! I hope Emily's okay. God knows what Mick did to her.

The beginning of this episode was so funny, when Barbara was trying to ask Paul about how he would feel if he got another chance to talk to/see James, and he was basically like, "Why are we talking about this? The old man's dead, and I couldn't be happier!" Haha. Paul just kept going back to how happy he was that James was dead. Oh, Paul. Too funny.

Okay, now...let's get into the whole Carly/Jack/Janet/Dusty debacle! WHEE!

All right, so. Janet bonked Dusty, even though she's married to Jack and deeply Catholic. So she's trying to find the right way to handle this, and she wants to ignore it. Dusty, on the other hand, was basically like, "Hey Toots, we had a great roll in the hay, why deny it? Let's keep talking about it to see if the awkwardness between us goes away any time soon!" HAHA. So Janet and Dusty now have this whole weird thing going on at work together - this strange push-pull "I'm attracted to you but I'm married" thing, and Jack and Carly are making on the Goo-Goo Eyes like it's their job. Hehe. I really enjoyed the impromptu shooting range that Jack set up for himself. Nuthin' sexier than a Jack Snyder with a gun, amiright? LOL. But yeah. And Sage trying to set them up to go on a family trip together. My question is, though...what's wrong with that? I mean, I know Sage really wants Jack and Carly to get back together, but what's wrong with having a family trip with the four of them? Sage can't control whether or not Jack and Carly are going to rekindle their romance, only Jack and Carly can decide that. So what's wrong with honoring Sage's request? What if she also just wants to spend time with her immediate family? I don't see the issue. (Except maybe that this is a soap and a simple roadtrip is never simple!)

And Janet. WTF are you doing, Janet? I understood you before. Now you're just trying to cover your tracks because you made a HUGE boo-boo concerning your marriage and don't want to admit it to Jack. Which, I understand why you don't want to admit it, but you NEED to. The truth will prevail. Jack's gonna find out some time down the road, I promise you. Just admit it, already. And I'm thinking also that Janet doesn't want to admit it because she knows now that she can't hold anything against Jack. Even though he's hurt her over and over again, he still remains the faithful one in their relationship. Janet has no leverage against him anymore. She lost it when she slept with Dusty.

And even though I LOVE Dusty, if I had to chose, I'm pretty sure I'd take Jack over him. Dusty is the eternal playboy, the perpetual post-Jen bachelor. Jack isn't. He's a good man with a good heart and he loves his family (and he loves his wife!). Jack's kinda like Holden 2.0. :-) It's no wonder the two of them are BFFs. They share the same moral core.

That's not to say that Dusty isn't a good man. He is. He loved Jen very much, and he loves Johnny (and waaaaaay back in the day, he loved Lucy, too). He's a great man. He's just different from Jack.

Anyway. Janet's considering getting her marriage annulled and moving out of the farm. I guess I can give her some points with her priest, because she admitted the truth to him flat-out. And I gotta say, the priest was pretty cool about it. I was expecting all sorts of "THOU ART SMITED, CHILD!", but it didn't happen. :-) Haha. I guess my view of priests is slightly skewed. I'm not Catholic, so I don't know much about the religion, which is why I'm going to shush now. :-)

Oh, yeah...and in case I haven't said it already...CREEPY MICKJAMES IS CREEPY. Did you see him in the church with the nosebleed, looking all proud of himself? Ack!



PS - I just wanna say that I love Luke and Noah, I love Van and Jake, I love ATWT, and I love Nuke fandom. Wild horses could not drag me away. ♥

dusty, jack, barbara, recap post, carly, janet, paul/emily, sage, alison, mick, parker, written by g

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