
Jan 07, 2010 02:40

I didn't realize people were getting so upset over recent events on the show and in the fandom. Granted I'm not on vh.net or anything besides LJ and the Zombie Board, and we have a relatively small niche in the fandom, so I don't know how bad it's gotten elsewhere.

I figured I might as well throw in my two pennies.

Regarding this current storyline, is the acting good? Oh yes. Am I glad that Van and Jake are expanding their acting repertoire? Definitely; good for them. Do I love Luke and Noah to itty bitty pieces? You bet your ass to La Vie Boheme. Am I enjoying this current storyline? Well, frankly, no. I don't think the writers are handling it gracefully and even in certain points logically, I don't enjoy seeing Noah so rageful, and to get a little personal, G and I have both been in something similar to Luke's shoes and. those times. SUCKED. Also, folks, I'm mainly in things for the squee. 'Tis my nature ^.^ Where there is a dearth of squee, there is an unhappy Honey. And also, I don't like being jerked around when it comes to my ships. I don't want it to get to a point where I'm thinking, "They're terrible together!"

So why am I sticking around? Well, I'm riding it out, for one. The rational side of me is sure this will get fixed before too long. There's also the fact that G and I bond over this leik whoa :) And I like to psychoanalyze stuff so digging into why Noah's so angry and unforgiving and Luke's so trying-to-fix-things is fun (I was gonna do psychology before I found my real passion in art history and theology). I want to see where they go with this; I'm 99% sure it won't go the exact way I want, but that's what fic is for, y/y? But mainly because...well, I love the boys. I want to see them get a happy ending, and to see how they get there.

A friend from HP fandom said this: "You don't have to love everything about something to call yourself a fan of it". I mean, let's take this outside of fandom. There are things about G that I don't like. There are things about me that she doesn't like. That doesn't mean we don't love and support and each other, and aren't close. We're still sisters and best friends. Likewise, I love Nuke in the holistic sense, in that I overall get enjoyment out of the story and the boys. I don't have to think this sl is great to call myself a Nuke fan.

One last thing: no has the right to be an ass about their opinion. If you think the sl right now is great, good on you! If you want to kill it with fire, yay! Let's just play in our communal sandbox and not bite each other's heads off about it (and I point this at me, too, because I can get quite heated! Engage me in a Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione vs Harry/Hermione debate sometime; the lulz will never end). We're all different, thank God; we have the right to see things differently and talk about it civilly.

More so than the boys, I want the fandom to have Happytiems again! We're here to have fun; let's remember that!


PS On a happier note, "Sherlock Holmes" is awesome and full of Holmes/Watson HoYay. Go see it! I command you!

written by honey, fandom post

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