Friday Episode Mash-Up - Today's Recap, 12/4/09

Dec 04, 2009 15:22

Okay, I wanna address two things in the preview for next week first:

The ring with "JS" on it that Barbara finds on the ground, and Brad jumping into Henry's body.

Okay, we all called it! Who else thinks that Mick Dante is James Stenbeck all hopped up on this miracle drug he's been pushing?! If we turn out to be right we can all give each other pats on the back. :-)

And Brad ---> ARE YOU KIDDING ME, ATWT?! I said this a looooong time ago - that if Brad jumps into Henry's body, I'm outta here! Too much like Ghost. If I'm old enough to remember that movie (in fact, my parents still have it on VHS, lol), then the writers for the show are definitely old enough to remember. Stop ripping that movie off! Get some new material, for REALS.

All right. Now for today's show.

I am all sorts of HEEEEE over Teri and Dusty today. First, I have to say, that I felt about my last job the exact way that Teri feels about Metro. I completely understand about how maybe you don't have the best job in the world, but to you, it's home and you love it. And to lose it, with no control over the situation, is probably one of the hardest things I've ever been through. So, it may have seemed silly, but I totally got her pain. I'm really glad that Dusty swooped in and saved the day. Oh, and also? When he went to comfort her, went to put his hand on her hair? GAH. So sweet. Too bad she pushed him away. :-P C'mon, writers, let's hook 'em up! They're adorable together.

It was great seeing Luke today, wasn't it? Boy was lookin' good! I'm loving the new hairstyle (sorry Van, I know the way we fangirl over your hair confounds you, lol). Plus, that shirt? Oh my. Van is definitely one of the reasons why I like men. :-)

Ahem. So yeah, his talk with Lily was cute. Kinda like, "Hey Mom, it's dumb for you and Damian not to sleep in the same room. Plz to fix ASAP. KTHX." Hehe. But all the sad talk about Noah? :-( No good. Although I'm thinking that what the writers are doing is to have Grumpy!Noah for a while, then have him come around and be all sweet and adorable at Christmas. I really hope that's what happens. Nuke has only had great Christmases, so I'm hoping the tradition continues.

Okay, now. Damian. What the freaking hell are you doing, man?! He's totally setting Meg up to look completely delusional (which I can't say I don't enjoy), but he's really leaving me questioning whether or not he actually loves Lily, or if he just wants to be this presence in the Snyder family. (Or I guess they're the Grimaldi family now? I dunno.) I'm not seeing any real committment to Lily here. I feel bad for her. I hope she takes Meg's head off (although Meg isn't lying to her). And then when she finds out the truth, I hope she takes Damian's head off. And maybe we can throw in some angry Luke for good measure. I'm sure he won't like knowing that Damian has been cheating on her with Meg.

And this is why I say THANK GOD that Luke was raised by Holden. I know Holden's record isn't squeaky clean, but it's a might better than Damian's, don't you think? Holden would never have played sick to trick Luke into returning to Malta with him. Or tried to de-gay him. So, no matter what Noah says (:-P), Luke is still more Holden than Damian.

And now Jack and Janet. Can I just say that I freaking LOVED their fighting today?! Damn. Janet was ripping into everyone all over the place! And I loved it! And that screaming match that she and Jack had in the farm kitchen?! Daaaaamn. LOVED IT! And then they were all sweet and cuddly and lovely afterwards. And Jack admits that he still loves Janet. And he wants to get back to being a good husband. And Janet said she would wait for him to sort himself out. ♥ I love these two together!

I enjoyed Carly today, too. Especially when she went to rip Craig a new asshole and was all, "What the hell's wrong with you?!" at him. LOL. And then THE KISS! Where in blue blazes did that come from?! Craig's all, "I'M MARRYING ROSANNA! I LOVE ROSANNA! HERE, LET ME PROVE IT TO YOU BY SNOGGING YOUR FACE OFF!" AHAHAHAHA. That kiss came outta nowhere! But alas, we all knew it was going to happen, didn't we? LOL.

And Holden and Damian. Oh, how I wish for Holden to knock Damian out again. I know that sounds funny, since I like Damian, but man...he's on my list right now. And you know I loves me some Holden! Especially when he's being aggressive.

Molly was better for me today. She seems sincere in her actions. I'm liking her with Holden, too. I like their little "Let's save Meg from herself" team-up they've got going on now. :-) And it's really cute that she's staying at the farm. I think everyone in Oakdale has lived at the farm at some point or another.

I felt like we got a lot of stories today, don't you? There were a lot of characters on today's episode. Yesterday's episode really only focused on a couple of characters, while today it was like, they were all smashed together. I liked that. Today's episode was a step in the right direction. :-) Lots of character interaction. :-D

Till Monday! Happy weekend, everyone!


dusty, jack, recap post, molly, carly, craig, lily, janet, teri, holden, written by g, luke, damian, meg

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