In Which Holden and Molly Are Actually Kinda Cute Together - Today's Recap, 11/20/09

Nov 20, 2009 15:20

All right, I have to admit, I had some trepidation concerning Holden and Molly's reunion, because Molly did not make the best first-impression on me. (Although it actually wasn't her first impression, because I've watched older clips with her on the show, but you know what I mean.) However, despite my initial "oh boy, here we go" feeling, I am pleasantly surprised at how cute they actually were together.

Although, Honey and I have discussed this before: if they wanted to split Lily and Holden and have Holden hook up with someone else, why didn't they just keep Maeve on the show? Curious.

Anyway, I'm still not sold on Molly or what her deal is, but she and Holden were incredibly cute today. I liked how Holden stood up to beat the snot out of that guy who was trying to harass Molly in the restaurant. LOL. Intimidating Holden is intimidating! Except that he's not. :-P Holden's like, the sweetest man on the planet. But we all know he can flatten somebody out when he needs to. *coughDamiancough*

I'm glad that Holden addressed the issue of baggage when talking to Molly. She just kept going on and on about how screwed up her life would be back in Oakdale, but Holden's life is just as messed up right now. Not only is he newly divorced, but he's in the middle of a messy custody battle with Lily, he's butting heads with Damian every time he turns another corner, and let's not forget this whole thing with Luke and Noah! I really hope they pull Holden back into the Luke and Noah stuff right now. Especially with all that talk about Damian being a negative influence on Luke. I think it would be a REALLY good idea if Luke spent some quality time with Holden while he's trying to help Noah recuperate. Here's hoping!

You know who else was cute today? Dusty, Teri, and Janet. I love how Dusty keeps coming back to look after Teri. C'mon, writers, let's hook 'em up! C'mon! And Janet and Dusty sitting on the bench in Old Town today was so funny. She gave him this "WTF are you doing here?" look and his simple reply was, "I'm just sitting." HAHAHAHA. Oh, Dusty. I love you.

And poor Janet. My heart's with her right now, as she's trying to deal with Liberty's crap, Brad's death, Jack being gone, Teri testifying against Uncle Ralph, and on top of it, is offering her services to Katie (who should really take her up on it). I feel so bad for her. At least Jack picked up her phone call today. That's a start, even if he wouldn't tell her anything and basically hung up on her.

Which brings me to Jack. Jack, I love you to bits, but what you're doing to Janet is SO NOT COOL. Seriously, dude. SO NOT COOL. Did you guys see Janet's face in the previews for next week? She looks like she's going to haul off and deck him when he steps on to the porch. And to be honest, I wouldn't mind if she did. You know how much I adore Jack, but what he did to Janet with this whole thing was completely unfair.

Although I liked his little masquerade with Carly today. Man, those lies just kept rolling right off Carly's tongue, didn't they? At the art gallery, I mean. Damn, girl. She'd be able to convince a crowded room that the Earth is flat with that practiced smooth-talk. Shit. :-) But now, mission accomplished! Simon is found. (Once was lost, now is found...) But what's gonna happen now?

And poor Katie with the baby today. I've had those dreams - the kind of dreams where people you haven't seen or talked to in years and years (or people who have passed away) come to you and they're there with you like they never left. You can see them and hear them and touch them, and they sound like themselves and act like themselves and it's always so weird but so neat. I've always been fascinated with how the brain can recall someone you haven't seen in years like you just saw them yesterday. Crazy, isn't it? Although I wish the writers would just let Katie move on in peace. This is kind of torturing her, I feel.

But I'm glad she and Henry spent some time together today. I love how Henry got the baby to stop fussing so Katie could take a nap. It's okay to need some help, Katie! And it's okay to ask for it, too. She's got plenty of people around her who are willing to help her out. She should really take advantage of them while she can.

Next week's looking pretty interesting! Lily's flipping shit over Molly being back (Dear Lily, You're married to Damian now and don't get to freak out over who Holden's with anymore, KTHX), Craig and Rosanna are getting engaged (?! maybe), and who knows how Janet's going to react when Jack steps back through her door! Whee. I will tactfully not mention how, yet again, the boys are not on the preview for next week. (Oops. Guess I mentioned it. Oh, well. :-P)

Happy Friday everyone! Honey and I are going to see New Moon tonight! :-D


brad, dusty, jack, simon, recap post, katie, molly, carly, henry, janet, teri, holden, written by g

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