So I know from the wonders of the intarwebs that Luke as a kid called Damian "Papa" and Holden "Daddy" and golly gee whillikers do I ever wish I could find a clip of him calling them tha--
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I SNIFF OUT LUKE CLIPS LIKE A BLOODHOUND, BITCHES. It's at ~ 4:30. "You're Papa's brother. You tried to hurt Daddy and me." *splodes*
Also featured in this clip...uh, pretty much the entire cast of ATWT in 2001. Back when TPTB didn't isolate the characters and make everyone look like tools for not showing up to other people's big social events like weddings and funerals. AND you get to meet the infamous Dante! He was mentioned in Sharp Knife Souls and Horiya so maybe you'd like to see him ^.^