Perhaps Destiny Needs a Kick in the Derriere - Today's Recap, 10/23/09

Oct 23, 2009 14:16

Katie to Ralph: You came here to kill me?
Ralph: No, actually, I came here to have a tea party with you. YES I CAME HERE TO KILL YOU!

AHAHAHA. Katie's line just cracked me up; I had to make a joke about it.

Also, Damian's "With affairs of the heart, somebody always ends up on the outside looking in." Foreshadowing for Luke and Noah, perhaps? (I really hope not!)

And BRAD! GYAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Nooooooooo. Knowing what was coming actually made this worse for me, I think.

Ok. Real recap now.

Okay, so we FINALLY got a little bit of Luke-Holden today! FRIGGING FINALLY! I know it's actually a set-up for Lily and Holden to spend time together, but I would really LOVE to see an episode of Holden and the Snyder kids hanging out in a cabin and celebrating Holden's life. I think that would be too uber cute for words! And I'd like to see them all re-bonding. Especially, of course, Luke and Holden. They all could go fishing and build a fire and go swimming (ok, it's October, maybe not swimming, lol) and tell ghost stories and make dinner and sing songs and....ok, somebody needs to write this fanfic. :-) Preferably with a "Welcome Back, Daddy" cake in it. :-D

And Holden was so sweet with Luke today. It was as if he'd never left and never had an accident, the way he talked to Luke at the Lakeview. <3 Makes my heart melt! I love the fact that Holden's been bragging to Maeve about Luke. HEE. And Luke was very sweet back to Holden AND to Maeve. HEE. Holden and Luke seriously made me giddy. Like, school-girl giddy. HEE. I don't know how Jon and Van do it, but the emotion between them is always SO REAL. Ugh. It's like they truly are family. And in case you couldn't tell already, I LOVE IT!

And Maeve. I maintain that she's a sweetheart. I really like her. I love that she and Holden are like, BFFs now. They're really cute. I know things are going to get sketchy between them soon, but honestly, who didn't see that coming? Maeve will finally get a taste of her man (uh...totally didn't mean that literally, hehe...) and then she'll leave Oakdale to start her life over with her faith renewed. It was also very cute how Maeve wanted to get a job at the Lakeview and Holden said he would talk to Lily about it. Damn, so cute. I think Maeve would be a great front desk girl, don't you? She's too friendly and too cute not to get a job like that. :-) (And uh...she has nice legs...did you see them when she was sitting at the bar? Country girl's got some sweet stems! :-P)

What I'm really hoping is that Holden doesn't chew Luke out for helping to set him up with the whole cabin-thing. From the previews (tear my hair out, btw), it doesn't look like Holden gets upset with Luke, but you never know. I know Luke would probably just yell right back at him (:-)) since he wants his parents to be together, but I don't want any bad blood between them.

But I love Luke and Lucinda team-up! And Lucinda checking her teeth for lipstick in the mirror at the Lakeview was priceless. I don't know why that struck me so funny, but it definitely did. And right in front of Damian, HAHA!

All let's talk about Brad and Jack and all that! ARRRGGGHHHHH! We all knew it was coming!

Okay, from the top. First, that opening scene with Janet and Jack was so, so sad. Jack was so sweet with her and Janet was so sweet with him. Till, of course, Jack said, "Maybe this baby just wasn't meant to be," and Janet immediately flipped her shit on him.

I loved their little talk in the bar, though. I love how considerate and understanding they are of each other. And the fact that they both simply did not have enough energy or desire to keeping being mad at one another.

But, but! I have a gripe! Okay, we all knew that Jack was going to shoot Brad. We've known this for months. And while it hurts like hell, it IS a good storyline (and most of us are okay with it, aren't we? Are we? lol). But what I DON'T like is how they're painting it! Jack had a few beers beforehand, but he surely wasn't drunk! But we know that's going to come into play somehow, isn't it? I dunno. Jack's a big guy, I think he can handle a few beers, don't you? I just don't want his reputation tarnished because of this. It's not like he was drinking on the job. He'd had no idea what was going on with Katie and Brad, so he couldn't have judged the situation ahead of time. Argh!

Also! It's not Jack's fault - what happened. He was fired on first. It's not as though he went in all trigger-happy without even thinking about what he was doing or who he was shooting at. I hope this is taken into consideration in the aftermath.

And Ralph! What the hell's with him? It was like he was thinking Hmm, I lost the girl, but I'm gonna go find her and just talk to her for a little while. Yeah, that's it. Good plan, Ralphie boy. WHAT THE HELL WAS THE PURPOSE OF HIM BEING IN THE WAREHOUSE? I know Katie was all, "You're going to kill me, aren't you?" but he didn't really threaten her that much, did he? They both basically either just sat there or stood there and TALKED to one another. Um...? See? Ralph = not a believable gangster. Ralph sucks. ("Marc sucks." Empire Records, anyone? :-P)

And I'm upset that Brad didn't get to meet his son. I know it would have been heart-breaking, but now Katie won't be able to tell her son that his father actually knew him, if only for a few minutes. Grrrr. Brad got to hear him cry, but that was it. BAH.

And previews. Good Lord. Of COURSE Holden's gonna show up just in the nick of time to see Lily and Damian sucking face! How the hell did Damian get to the cabin? (That was the cabin, right? It didn't look like the Lilypad to me, but I could totally be wrong.)

Ironically, the thought of Holden and Maeve doesn't bother me. We don't actually know if anything's going to happen, but...I dunno. The prospect is not bothering me! We'll see how I feel when we see what actually happens, I guess! :-)

And PLEASE tell me that Holden's gonna be there for his BFF Jack when all the Brad stuff spreads into the family! PLEASE? I need more Holden and Jack BFF-ness. <3

I'm going through Nuke withdrawal. Anyone else?


Oh, PS - Jack and Henry were SO FRIGGING ADORABLE with Katie's baby. OHMYGOD.

maeve, brad/katie, recap post, henry, lily, holden, luke, damian, written by g, uncle ralph, lucinda, jack/janet

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