In Which G Realizes that Roger Howarth Has a Really Nice Body - Today's Recap, 10/15/09

Oct 15, 2009 14:57

Okay. Wow. Today's episode was slow-paced (in a good way), but still managed to pack a lot of stuff in. Sorta.

All right, let's start with Teri, because she's driving me up the fricking wall. Notice how she said to Dusty, "Why are you so mean to everyone?" but the "everyone" she listed after was only TWO PEOPLE? Oh, and herself. Then she accuses him of dishing it out but not be able to take it, when in reality, she's the one who's dishing it out and is not able to take it! And why is she so interested in Dusty's relationship with Bonnie? Creeper much? What have the writers done with Teri? I liked her. Now I kinda wanna put her head through a wall.

Methinks this is a lead-up to something Dusty-Teri related. I'm not positive, but I got vibes today. Couldn't blame the girl. Just wish she wasn't being such a skank to him right now! She barely knows a thing about him! And I'm glad he yelled at her about Jennifer. I'm sure watching your wife die just after you've married her would take a toll on ANYBODY. So BACK OFF, Teri. Geez. Stop being such a jerkface.

Same goes for Janet and Ralph. Ralph needs to back off the whole Liberty thing, and Janet needs to back off against Paul and Emily. Uncle Ralph annoys the shit out of me. He's not that intimidating. I'm glad that Paul isn't taking any of his shit. And normally I love Janet to bits, but when she ripped up Paul's check today, I got mad. Totally in poor taste. Paul and Emily are really trying, here. And how can Ralph and Janet still think that Janet raising Liberty's baby is the best solution? Maybe if Liberty wanted to keep the baby, and just needed some help while she goes to school or something, then yes, I could see that. But Liberty all but loathes this baby right now. She loathes even the notion of this baby. So how could they think Janet taking the baby would be the best thing for her? I'm not understanding, but I'm glad that Paul and Emily aren't backing down.

While we're on the subject of Paul, I want to know why he didn't just cut Henry a check for whatever he owes Ralph, and then let Barbara get the Stenbeck fortune to reimburse him. That's what I thought he was doing when he wrote out that check to Henry today. That would make sense, right? That way, Henry (or Vienna, or Audrey) wouldn't die, Barbara would be satisfied, and Paul would only be getting his own money back. Only thing I could think of that would maybe not work is if Paul didn't have enough money to give Henry. But it doesn't seem like he's hurting for cash. He was whipping the checks out all over the place today. Hm.

And Audrey, you're dumb. Instead of trying to hold Vienna at the hospital for an entire day, you could have distracted her in other ways. Other ways that were not so suspicious as trying to hold her in a hospital for all of eternity. Audrey could have suggested lunch or shopping or a "girls' day out" or something like that, and Vienna would have been much less suspicious and might not have given Audrey the slip.

And speaking of poor Vienna, did you see her face in the previews, when Barbara was telling her off? Vienna does not deserve this. I hope she rips Henry a new one.

Though, I gotta say, Barbara looked hot in that black negligee. She really did. Colleen's got a great body. (Who am I kidding - everyone on that show has a great body. Hence Roger today and that tight gray shirt he had on. Good Lord.)

Anyway. Today's ep was enjoyable, but not overly exciting. Dusty and Bonnie were kinda sad at the end, but I think we all saw that coming. Make way for Dusty/Teri (when she stops being an idiot)!


jessica, dusty, barbara, recap post, janet, teri, henry/vienna, audrey, written by g, uncle ralph, paul, bonnie

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