Who ya gonna call?

Jul 13, 2009 15:49

Re-watching the Ameera birthday clip, when Noah laments over feeling that he thinks Luke feels that he has to stay away from Noah now that Casey isn't holding up the boyfriend charade to fool the I.C.E.

Ameera: "Do you miss him?"

Noah: "Not at all. I'm only in love with him, that's all. In fact, I don't even need to see him!"


Then when Ameera runs out of the bedroom after informing Noah that it's her birthday, Noah calls Luke and explains that he forgot Ameera's birthday.

Luke: "What kind of husband are you?" (LOL!)

Noah: "Umm...the gay kind."

HAHAHA. Being a gay husband would work just fine if only Noah were married to Luke!! Hehe. ^_^

In all seriousness, though, I absolutely love the fact that Luke is the first person Noah calls when he needs help, even in the midst of this awfully tense situation. Hee. And Luke totally pulls through for him!


what should have been said, birthday, random ridiculousness, written by g, luke/noah, ameera

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