Aug 27, 2009 17:08
I have to say I was mildly disappointed. Yeah, yeah, I know this journal is supposed to be squeeful and I'm being Debbie Downer, so I'll try to be objective.
What I Loved:
1) This is my first time seeing Seth on TV (I've seen him in clips from the 80s on youtube) and I loved how Emma called for him and he ran to hug his mama. It didn't hurt that he was a distinguished-looking older gentleman...I've got a thing for distinguished-looking older gentleman. ^.^
2) AARON!!!! HI!!!! I don't think he's staying (I say XP~ to that, by the way), but it was great to see him. He is such a good big brother, and his and Luke's hugs were great ^.^ I loved how his face was like "Why the hell not?" when Luke said that Noah wasn't there. I think he spoke for all of us on that one. Aaron's going to be a very good brother-in-law. Or brother-out-of-law, as it were.
3) Jack/Janet luv!! <3<3 Seriously, I know I speak as a n00b, but how can anyone hate this pair? It's clear they adore each other, and personally, I get the feeling like Jack and Carly were an obnoxious couple to be around (I admit I form my opinion mainly from the scene of Holden and Lily's vow renewal back in '06).
What I Hated:
1) Faith. Okay. Kid's got a legitimate complaint. The problem is that she doesn't do anything with it besides WHIIIIIIIIINE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL THEEEEEEEEEE TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME. Seriously, it's like she's got two setting: Neutral and Whiny. Just tell your mom you think she's a cheating whore and get it over with. How many times are they going to trot out a Faith Hates Her Mother storyline, anyway? I feel bad for Parker, having to put up with whiny and/or secretive women.
2) I think we all agree that while soapy, it's rather jarring to have Meg glare or fidget or look put out EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN TIME Damian is within two feet of Lily. One or two or, okay, even five times of her noticing, and maybe her getting annoyed by the fourth or fifth time, would be sufficient, but no, we gotta give the Meg-haters even more fuel for the fire. As mike_smith once described Ron Weasley: "Yes, we get it. You're jealous and petty. Move on."
3) Okay, so Caleb and Julie had an excuse to not be there. But Seth is married to Angel, is he not? Where was she? For that matter, Ellie lives in New York, too, so she totally would have come with her brother. And what about Iva? She's not only Holden's adopted sister, she's Lily's biological mother. SHE HAS NO EXCUSE TO NOT BE THERE. SAME THING WITH ABIGAIL. And Lily's got two adopted sisters, as well. Well, I guess she and Bianca aren't that close, and Sierra's in South America somewheres, but still. They could at least mention them. Also, does Holden not have friends or something? Because this was pretty skint as far as attendance goes. if it were my funeral, I'd pop up as a ghost and tell them to not bother.
What I Noticed:
1) Apparently they only trot out the real, tangible angst for when someone actually dies. To give you an inkling...Rose's funeral? Cried. Bryant's death? Cried. Jen's death? Cried. That music video about the memorial for Eve's victims? Well, I don't think I cried, but I got a little teary. Today? Felt mild sympathy. I think if they really wanted the audience to feel today, they wouldn't have revealed that Holden's still alive until tomorrow, or the end of today.
2) By the way, Holden/Maeve is the same as Mason/Noah. If they try to sell it, I will totally not buy it.
3) I don't know if the rumors about Austin Peck inciting the ire of the entire company are true, but from today's episode I would totally believe it. Getting interrupted, stupid lines when he gets to finish them, being pretty much a non-entity...he looked really uncomfortable today, too, I felt.
What I Wished:
1) Aside from wanting Noah and the rest of the family to be there, I was kinda hoping for flashbacks today, like they did for Rose's funeral. I know they can't do any Lily/Holden flashbacks because Noelle and Martha ain't exactly twins, but Emma's been the same lady since Day 1, so surely she'd have some appropriate memory? Or maybe Aaron? What I was really crossing my fingers for during the episode was for Luke to speak, and to have it flashback to around when he came out, and Holden was being his awesome supportive self. Maybe the "I'd still be a gay guy" scene?
written by honey,
aaron + luke,
recap post,
noelle beck,
martha byrne,
austin peck,