Real Time Post - August 14, 2009

Aug 14, 2009 13:58

Play-by-play and Commentary: Continued by G!

Before the show even starts, I just wanna say: HOLLLLLLLLDENNNNNN! Why, Holden, why? *Sniff*

Ok. I'm better now. On to the show!

LOL. Tom's ready to rip Riley a new asshole. "Don't pick on my son, you punk!"
Casey EPIC GRUDGE about Riley/Adam not going to jail.
"Let me take care of Alison or I WILL BREAK YOU IN HALF!!!!" Haha. Casey.

Oh, Bob. Come on.
Oh, good, he's back to hating Alison's guts. Everything's right in the world.
"How did this happen?" UM, YOU, BOB!

HI EMMA! ^_^ Ooh, and cookies.
Haha. Kentucky is a cookie-less state.
Wahhh, Holden.
"He probably stopped and had lunch..." or you know, went sailing over a cliff in his truck.
(Why does Damian have to keep clearing his plans with everyone? Isn't he a grown man?)
And by "getting on a great big ship" Emma means...Damian. LOL.
"[Let Meg] sail smack into a huge mistake?" Nice play on words Lily, considering the cruise.

Gah. Damian's still wearing that amazing fricken shirt. God I love men.
I love Family Man Damian. He's really turned himself around.

Emma: Meg dating your ex-husband must be AWKWARD.
Lily: Why, not at ALL!
(I like Lily's shirt today. Very pretty.)
HI LUKE! OMG he's so adorable with that huge smile. I love Luke interaction with his grandmothers.


UGH. Way to make a nice moment supremely awkward Meg. Why does she always have to mention Lily? Insecure! (Though her insecurities may not be unfounded.)
Oh, Damian...I really hope your feelings for Meg are real, because she is so happy right now.
Aw. Smiley Damian is so cute.
Meg and Damian Sexytiems interrupted by Eliza! Keep the rocket in your pocket, my friends.

(No, Holden!)
Aw, Luke not being able to ask about Holden!
Oh, this is so SAD!
Oh my God, I might cry right now.
WAAAAHHHHHHHH! Rip my heart out!

Oh, Margo. Casey loves Ali. You should too.

Haha. Casey spanks Riley. "You are a bad influence!" (Okay, that image turned out to be hotter than I meant it to be. ^_^)

Bob: Are you saying that I'm going nuts?
Ali: Uh, DUH. I've only been saying this for...I don't know...EVER!!

Aw, baby Eliza. Cute!
Awwwwww, Luke calling Damian about Holden!
OMG Van. You are an AMAZING FRICKEN ACTOR. So damn sad!

Luke and Lily are too awesome together. *Hugs Noelle and Van* They are playing this off so PERFECTLY!


Now the word about Holden is going to spread like wildfire.
Don't play the "what if" game, Meg! Just go find out!
Once again the cruise goes to hell, but who cares this time.
I squee every time Damian calls Luke "Luciano". LOVE IT!

Ali to Bob: I'm sorry if you're bonkers! It's not my fault!
I don't like this angry Bob. I want sweet Bob back!
Stick to your guns, Ali!

"Her theory is that [Bob's] losing it." Way to put it elegantly, Case. ^_^
OMG JUST TELL TOM ABOUT RILEY ALREADY! Jesus. I'm gonna have a stroke over this.

Awwwwww. No.
OMG GO GET HOLDEN! Is this standard police practice? Let the victim just stay down there in all the rubble till the scene is declared safe? Isn't there something else they can do? Don't they have SWAT team to leap in there, despite the danger? (Ok, maybe not a SWAT team...but you know what I mean!)

Hey, where's Dusty? Haven't seen him in AGES! I miss Dusty.

OMG. I don't know how much more Lily/Luke angst I can take.
Aw, Damian to the rescue.

Bourbon on the gums for a teething baby - YUP!
And whiskey in your tea when you have a sore throat. TRUFAX. ^_^
Oh, Meg's gonna blow it. Totally gonna let the cat out of the bag.

Damian is part of the Snyder family, no matter what! There are literal bloodties.
Lily EPIC FREAKOUT is totally warranted.

Oh. Luke and Lily cuddling in the background of Damian's phone call. T_T
BAH. I can't take this! TOO SAD! Holden's favourite horse....WAHHH.

This situation with Bob is VERY BAD. Needs to be fixed ASAP.
Hmm....every patient that Dr. Hughes is connected to has been having overdose problems lately....this is not rocket science, people!
Ugh. Margo DAGGER EYES at Ali. Sheesh.


GEEZ. Tom's ready to tear everyone apart today. He's normally so docile.
Yay. Casey goes after Ali. THIS IS NOT HER FAULT!

She didn't defend herself because NO ONE FRICKEN BELIEVES HER, Casey! Poor Ali.
A-HA! Riley to the rescue! Henry passes him the cape. ^_^
Whew. So much emotion flying around on this episode. LOVIN' IT!

No, Emma, it can't be true, I agree! We can't lose Holden!
(Told ya Meg was gonna let the cat out of the bag!)

Oh God. The police found a body.
This episode is frying my nerves!

When's Noah gonna find out about all this Holden drama? I want my Hurt!Luke comfort scene!

Ok. The Hughes family seems more relaxed now.
I'm so glad to hear Casey sticking up for Alison.

Riley is right! You can't let this go, Ali!
But I understand her fears.
YAY! Riley-Alison TEAM-UP! The truth needs to come out.

BAH. Now Ali's facing criminal charges?!

Oh. Watches are so symbolic on this show, aren't they?
OMG Luke, Lily, and Damian staring down into the ravine = SADDEST ENDING TO AN EPISODE EVAR!


Next week's previews are looking like TEH SHIT! Hellz to the yeah. ^_^
And did I see a Hurt!Luke comfort scene with Noah?! Ohhhh yeah, baby!

And today's moral of the story is: WHY HASN'T VAN HANSIS WON AN EMMY YET?!


damian/meg, bob/kim, van wins at life, eliza, emma, tom/margo, real time post, van had better win an emmy this year, lily/holden, casey/alison, riley, luke, written by g

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