Spoilers and Predictions

Aug 07, 2009 17:56

Courtesy of Soap Central:

Next Week Spoilers
Bob's continued strange behavior catches Ali's attention.
Tragedy strikes… and Bob is nowhere to be found.
Lily regrets she gave into her feelings for Damian.
Damian demands that Lily decide what she wants.
Luke has a heartfelt chat with his sister Faith.
Caught up in his new job, Luke is not respectful of Noah's feelings.
Luke comes to regret a decision he's made.
Noah wants answers from Mason.
Holden puts his family before himself.
Holden suffers a terrible fate.
Barbara and James Stenbeck have a chilling reunion.

Predictions: Lily tells Damian to eff off. Holden leaves without knowing that Luke is free to go with him. Luke and Noah have another one of their annoying "nothing fights" that are really killing my buzz. Luke and Faith talk about boys. Mason does something inappropriate regarding Noah a la Brian. Holden does something involving wearing a police uniform and driving off a cliff. There is angst. Lots and lots of it. Kim is somehow incapacitated, maybe killed as the longer promo video suggested. James shows up...they kinda phoned that one in.

Down-the-Road Spoilers
Lily refuses to give up hope.
The Snyders receive a grim piece of evidence.
Damian's presence in Lily and Luke's lives grows.
Luke finds himself preoccupied with problems in his family.
Luke's emotions get the best of him.
The rift between Luke and Noah widens.
Mason and Noah deal with the unexpected.
Mason becomes an important presence in Noah's life.
Ali fights against a shocking accusation.
Ali tries to get Bob to admit he has a problem.
Riley's true identity could be revealed when he has to deal with one of his former victims.
Ali is threatened by a face from Casey's romantic past.
The rivalry between Casey and Riley takes on a new intensity.
Emily continues to be there for Paul when he needs a helping hand.
James' return involves his heir - and it's not Paul.
Audrey claims that James Stenbeck is Henry's father.
Paul and Henry get to know each other in a whole new way.
Janet's mobster uncle stirs up trouble in Oakdale.
Janet tries to hide something from Jack.
The strange behavior of certain Oakdale citizens becomes a concern.
Liberty's lack of judgment causes her to make a foolish mistake.
A mystery woman has a surprising - and dangerous -- connection to someone in Oakdale.
Rosanna finds romance where and with whom she least expects it.

Predictions: Holden's gone missing and is presumed dead; the piece of evidence only backs that up. Damian is foisting himself into Holden's role in the meanwhile. Luke totally freaks out and shuts down, adding to his and Noah's sudden communication problems (>.>); this reminds Noah of his own father issues. Cue Epic Breakup, or at least Epic "We're On A Break" Bullshit. Not sure about Noah and Mason's "unexpected" deal; they're either related, attracted to each other, or there's something involving The Creepiest Colonel. Maybe they'll go the un-PC route and infect Mason with AIDS like they wanted to do with Hank back in the 80s, except Doug Marland wouldn't let them because Doug Marland rocked. Ali is blamed for whatever happens to Kim. Maddie comes back. Cue Epic Casey/Ali/Maddie/Riley Love Square. Lots of Emily and Paul Sexytiems. Audrey and James form(ed) Axis of Evil. Paul and Henry team up. Organized crime comes into Oakdale via the Ciccones because TPTB enjoy ethnic stereotypes. Janet hides her own mob ties. Liberty does something dumb, though I have a feeling that's par for the course. Mystery woman is played by Judi Evans. Rosanna hooks back up with Craig.


mason, audrey/james, written by honey, barbara, mason/noah, casey/ali/maddie/riley, maddie, luke/noah, henry, janet, holden, spoiler/prediction post, bob, luke, damian, craig/rosanna, liberty, judi evans, faith, noah, lily, kim, alison, james, emily and paul sexytiems, paul

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