Apr 20, 2013 16:02
So Glee has been renewed for both a fifth and a sixth season. I'm both extremely happy and extremely nervous at this news.
Honestly, I haven't enjoyed this season very much. It started with Klaine's stupidity-based breakup, carried on with half the cast I knew and loved being mostly absent from the scene, having to choke down all these new characters who I don't give a flip about, and ended with Rachel turning into this horrible caricature of Lea Michele's celebrity status mixed with awful NYC stereotypes. And it is now being served with a side of Kurt being Rachel's support with no real life/career/school adventures of his own.
Don't get me wrong - there have been bright spots. Dynamic Duets will always be one of my favourite episodes of this season. The Blaine/Becky scene in Roz Washington's office this past Thursday had me laughing out loud. But overall, there's been very little I truly, genuinely enjoyed.
But I'm so hooked on Klaine, it's not even funny. This isn't really a spoiler (since God knows if it will actually come true) but Ryan Murphy tweeted that Kurt will be married by the time he's 21. By the end of the sixth season, guess what age Kurt will be? So you can see why heading into the sixth might be a good thing.
But still, I'm nervous. I think the format of the show needs to be changed. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I did not like the jumping-back-and-forth aspect. It provided very little time for actual storylines. I feel like all we got was surface when all I was craving was depth. Kurt and Blaine have been broken up for half a year and we still haven't seen them talk anything out yet. I think the format of the show has to be changed, and the original cast has to be brought back. I admit, I don't outright hate the new characters (I rather like Ryder, to be honest), but my heart's not in them. I need my Mike, Quinn, and Mercedes back. And more Puck and Santana!
Guess I'll have to wait and see. *crosses fingers*
written by g