Nuke SexyTiems

Jul 10, 2009 03:43

Through our emails, Honey and I have repeatedly dubbed the clips in which Luke and Noah had sex for the first time as the Luke and Noah SexyTiems Clips. On June 24th, I had written to her my thoughts on the whole scenario, after I had re-watched it a few times:

Really, I can't complain. I mean, I CAN complain, because I wanted to at least see them snuggling under the covers together or something sweet afterward, but Van and Jake put in so many little things during the whole scenario that I am almost quite literally left speechless at a number of aspects.

First of all, let's just take a step back and REALLY think about this. They are ACTORS. There aren't any romantic feelings. They're both straight. This is not only a highly sensitive scene to do to begin with, but it was so highly anticipated by die-hard fans that I'm surprised they didn't let the mere thought of that eff them up. Secondly, it looks to us like they're the only ones "in the room", but they're not. There's the camera operators, plus the camera assistants, plus the script supervisor, plus the director (and maybe an assistant director, I'm not sure if TV has them...), plus the makeup and hair people, plus the sound people, plus anyone else that I can't think of at the moment. Actors ALWAYS have a crew STARING AT THEM. It's their job. And yet Van and Jake act this scene so easily, it's truly astounding and so commendable. ^_^

Then, the kiss in the street. After this huge, no-holds-barred yelling match, we get The. Kiss. Sigh. Notice how Noah puts his hands possessively but sweetly on Luke's face...then one or the other of them (I can't tell who), makes this little whimpering sound in between the kisses, and then the way Luke stretches up to kiss Noah again. Good Lord.

Then we get Luke slamming the front door without a second thought, and then my favourite kiss, when Luke basically just plants his mouth on Noah's in the living room. ^_^ So freakin hott.

Then the Noah ComeHitherYouHaveNoChoice grab-kiss upstairs. I love love LOVE the way Luke puts his arm around Noah and they pull each other in further. Noah takes a bite out of Luke, too! Rawr. Not to mention the breathy-kissie noises. Oh Lord. Then it's SexyFaceExpression time! ^_^ Both actors make great SexFace.

Then, so yeah, we didn't get any...let's call them "details" *ahem*....but we DO get wet shirtless boys who are completely in love with one another. God damn. And that Post-SexyTiems kiss...why is it so short? It's probably the sweetest, most heartfelt kiss they've had. It's elongated and tender and I love it. I've always thought that it's not the SexyTiems that counts; it's what takes place after the SexyTiems that matters, in any relationship. Their love is so apparent at that moment that I feel like it covers the two of them like a Jell-O mold!

And then, honestly, when they come downstairs, I can't tell if it's me imagining that they're glowing because I know what transpired upstairs, or if Van and Jake are actually DOING something to make it look/seem that way, but Jesus. How does this scene come off so well?

Not to mention I love how Noah puts his hand flat on Luke's chest and Luke lets his hand slide down Noah's arm as he turns to get ice cream from the kitchen. Lord.

I guess I'm trying to appreciate not only what ATWT was willing to give us, but also the emotion and sincerity that Van and Jake both put into the scene. It could have been so much worse for us viewers, really. They could have just talked about it instead of anything else (which, consequently, was kinda what the next two times were like >_> but whatevs).

And Honey, like the awesome sister that she is, responded with this:

I love their Post-Sexytime kiss too! ^_^ It's just that...gyah! Look what's led up to it. Noah's love for Luke transcends the hurt he feels, that he cuts off a screaming match in the street just to kiss him. And they've both been so desperate not only to have sex but to just be a God damn happy couple already. And they finally get what they've been waiting a year and a half for, so there's a sense of relief and content as well as love/lust ...and then Noah gets all sweetly insecure and asks if Luke's happy. And Luke not only says yes, he says he's beyond happy.

Take the above paragraph and put it in Kiss Form. The formula for that is Love + Forgiveness + Desperation + Lust + Relief + Contentment + Insecurity + Elation = OH GOD IT IS AMAZING MOAR POST-SEXYTIEMS KISSES PLZKTHX.

^_^ Just thought I would share. I am continually amazed at Van and Jake's performances as Luke and Noah, respectively. I don't think we could have asked for a better match in actors or characters.


van wins at life, luke/noah, luke and noah sexytiems, noah, jake wins at life, luke, written by g, analysis

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