To The Future - Today's Final Recap, 9/17/10

Sep 18, 2010 01:02



Damn you, show, for making me love you. Sometimes you make me wanna scream and cry and throw things, but today, you made me remember how much I adore you, and how much love I have for the characters that drew me in to you in the first place.


You know, if they had handled every episode the way they handled today's, the show probably would have had higher ratings, and maybe wouldn't have been cancelled. Sure, the storylines weren't fleshed out in this episode, but we got a nice dose of happiness mixed with some sad, all of our staple couples were together (I'm excluding LuRe and Nuke in that category, of course), and we had a TON of character interaction. Plus, Dr. Bob narration. Can't go wrong.

Well, okay, yes...the show could go wrong. And it has. Many times. But today's episode seemed - to me - a very fitting ending. Excluding Luke/Noah/Reid, I'm very happy with everyone's end. And I enjoyed today's episode. Wanna know how?


Yup. It's not just a river in Egypt anymore, it's now G's home planet, where I let myself live with all my wonderful LuRe thoughts and Nuke memories. So wanna know Luke, Noah, and Reid's true end?

Noah goes off to L.A. as planned on the show. Of course, he's a big hit in Hollywood. Everybody loves him there. Luke visits often, and they talk even more. Best of BFFs. Noah may or may not hook up with one of his actors whose body is so hot it makes everyone in its vicinity cry. :-) Every once and a while, Luke sends Noah a script, and when it's a winner, Noah gets it greenlit for production. Luke gets his end credits. :-)

Meanwhile, on this last episode of ours, Luke wakes up early and shares a morning snuggle with a still-sleepy Natalie. Reid comes to pick him up to take him out for a digustingly HUGE breakfast at Oakdale's closest restaurant that is not Al's. They stuff themselves silly, and Reid goes off to work.

When lunchtime arrives, Luke enters the floor on which Reid is berating the nearest nurse for her boneheaded existence. He rolls his eyes, but brings Reid the lunch he's made for him anyway. Reid is all *_* at Luke and actually shares his sandwich (that Luke made, LOL) with him. I know, the world must be flat. :-) Then Reid and Luke part again. Luke spends more time with his younger siblings being awesome BigBrother!Luke while Reid works off all that ham, salami, and cheese.

Nighttime rolls around. Luke shows up at Katie's to discover Reid's made a mess of the kitchen trying to fix them both dinner. Luke's all, "Oh honey, you cooked!" even though Reid's destroyed more food than actually prepared. They order pizza, turn on the TV, and Luke leans on Reid's shoulder as they sit on the couch. They share that look...y'know, the loving stare Reid always gave Luke that made all us LuRe fans fall all over ourselves, and then the scene changes. We LuRe fans are left knowing that Luke and Reid are both happy and healthy and there is promise in their future.

The end.

So yeah...that's my delusion. Please feel free to jump in on it with me. :-)

Now back to the real show.

Honestly, guys...I loved it. Everyone was just so gosh-darn happy. Lily and Holden make me happy. CarJack makes me happy. Hell, even fricken Janet made me happy today, what with her FINALLY just being with Dusty, and then asking if Jack would be little Lorenzo's godfather. :-) I loved Casey and Ali (and how Ali woke him up! Hee. PS - Shirtless!Casey = GUH) and Barbara and Henry were absolutely adorable together. I loved sleeping Paul who said he was "watching Eliza". LOL. From behind his eyelids. :-P Lucinda and John got it on in the Lakeview elevator - woot! And Bob and Kim were magic. I even liked the cheesy turning globe on Bob's desk. Just thinking about it is bringing on all kinds of nostalgia.

Couple things I didn't like: Chris and the COS job. I knew he didn't want it; I've said this from day one. He only wanted it because Bob was trying to give it to Reid.

Lisa barely got an ending! WTH.

Katie/Chris and Margo/Tom switching houses was weird. I didn't like it. The four of them looked really out of place in their new homes. But that's just me.

And Luke's face when listening to Reid's heart. WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH tear my heart out with a spoon. SO SAD. That face. My poor baby.

So it's back to Denial. :-) Yup!

Hasn't really hit me yet that this is the last recap I'm ever gonna do "live". Agh. I would say all kinds of wonderful parting words, but I'm not going anywhere! We have plenty of new careers to follow, what with Van, Jake, and Eric loose in the world! I can't wait to see all of their new projects and squee over them with all of you!! :-D

Funny how I was hating on the writing super hard these last few weeks, but I'm still wishing that the show was going to continue. With the talent this cast had, if the show had just had stronger writers, it could have gone on for another 54 years.

Oh, well. Nothing stays the same forever. The only constant in life is change.

And sometimes, change can be good! :-D


luke/reid, bob/kim, natalie, recap post, tom/margo, lisa, john/lucinda, susan, katie/chris, lily/holden, casey/alison, paul/emily, written by g, henry/barbara

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