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g_and_honey September 17 2010, 01:30:52 UTC
I am totally up for a strongly-worded letter to the Crapheads.

I was totally going to rag on you for hating on Reid, but then you had to go and write that really sweet paragraph about the two of us being BFFs now because of the show. Way to kill my Must Protect Reid mojo! :-P
*rubs hands connivingly together* My plan is working out perfectly! Muahahahahahahahaha, mine is an evil laugh!

"Haters to the left" only counts when the person saying it is in the minority. *clutches phrase possessively* XD

Anyway, sis. I love how alike and yet opposite we are. It's so refreshing and...sometimes irritating! :-P
I know it must be irritating to be wrong all the time, G. *pats* XD

Love ya, betch. :-)
So if you're Luke...does that make me Jade? D: Nuuuuuuuuuuu.

No sock or no shoe. No hair or no haircut. (Now I'm just making shit up.) :-D I know you get me.
Ha-da-da-da. Ha-da-da-da.

Lily's hair looked terrible in this episode.
I was having issues with Lucinda's, actually. There was this one spot that the hair straightener missed that bugged the hell out of me.

But ZOMG I CAN'T TAKE HOLDEN CRYING! Dear Lord. Actually, that wasn't Holden crying...that was Jon. Oh, Jon.
I knoooooooooooooooooooow. ;_; I lost it at that point. It was just so spontaneously true.

They still care about each other, and Luke has an open invitation to come visit Noah whenever he wants.
And by "visit", what's actually meant is "have hot flangsty boysex funtiems with".

Poor Jack, about Janet's baby.
I know, he looked so crestfallen :( I bet you J/C and D/J's kids will grow up to get together, just to complete the clusterfuck.



g_and_honey September 18 2010, 01:20:05 UTC
You beyotch. I'm not even going to dignify this with a response.

Okay, I lied.

I'm still stealing your "Haters" phrase CAUSE I WANNA. AND I'M THE OLDER SIS, SO I GET WHAT I WANT. Um...so there. :-P

And trust me, all the sweet paragraphs in the world won't take my ♥ for Reid away. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. But you already knew that. :-P

And on a final note: HAPPY BOYSEX FUNTIEMS! EVERYWHERE! This makes the world a happy place to be. :-)


And a LuRe icon just for you, 'cause I know you hate it! :-P


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