Luke: Worst. Date. Evar. - Today's Recap, 8/10/10

Aug 10, 2010 15:15


Honey and I are rushing out to catch a train to our sister's house, so this is going to be uber quick!

I'm loving the interaction between Chris and Reid (and I'm loving that Reid is trying to take care of Chris), but Chris REALLY needs to 'fess up. Katie's going nuts thinking that he doesn't want to be with her and his bi-polar-ness towards her isn't helping.

Casey and Ali SQUEEEEEEEEE. I think they might make it this time! They seem to be doing everything right and are just enjoying each other's company. No bad times from the past are being re-lived, and Casey himself said that it seems like they're the only ones who have a "normal" relationship at the moment. HEEEEEEEEEEE.

Iris/Emily/Babs - whatever. You guys know I love Babs and I want her to be with Henry, but this is just annoying now. I'm not even going to sugar-coat it; this storyline is irritating the shit out of me. I want Henry to find Barbara and I want him to find her NOW. Though I gotta say, I like the team-up of Emily and Barbara now that they're tied to a f*ck-off plank of wood down in Fairwinds' cellar. XD

And now for Luke and Reid:

I actually liked their stuff today a LOT. I didn't think Luke bringing Noah up was inappropriate at ALL, and even if it was, he totally made up for it by saying that he wanted to be with Reid now. I was sad for Luke when he heard about Noah's plans to move to LA from Ali. Noah was and is a HUGE part of Luke's life. Even if it didn't work out the way you wanted it to, you always remember your first love. And since they're still friends...yeah, everything that happened today made sense to me. Luke was considerate of Reid's feelings, but he's allowed to have his feelings, too.

Now, I also understand why Reid was upset about it, but I think if he just stopped letting it bother him so much, he'd be okay. It's clear that Luke wants to be with him. Also, it will help him when he's not distracted by Chris and his drama so much. (HEAR ME, CHRIS?! GET THEE TO A CONFESSIONAL, STAT!)

But I gotta say...Reid's basically been trying to get into Luke's pants since he first stepped foot on the show, and today Luke INVITES HIM IN with the sole intention of getting him into said pants, and REID TURNS IT DOWN?!


I mean, wasn't really an optimal sexytiems setting, considering all the emotions flying around on both their parts, but still. Bah.

BUT! We got another kiss. And again, it was fantastic. ♥ I kinda don't mind a little drama between Luke and Reid, because it just means that they have to talk more and get to know one another more. I'm down for that! :-D

And tomorrow: CARLY MURDERS LILY! Or something close to that once she finds out about Craig! XD


iris, emily, luke/reid, barbara, recap post, chris/katie, will/gwen, henry, casey/alison, written by g

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