"Bad Juju" - Today's Recap, 8/6/10

Aug 06, 2010 15:25

Today's best storyline? Chris and Katie.

Today's worst storyline? Iris and Barbara.

Okay, in regards to Iris and Babs, there are still some things I'm enjoying. Like Henry, for one. And the fact that he talked about "bad juju" today and actually called a psychic in to examine the party warehouse. XD

And Barbara today, when she frigging JUMPED on Iris and then PUNCHED her?! HELLZ YAH, BABS! Lay it on her. :-D Unfortunately, Iris then shot Barbara with a paintball gun and knocked her back to the floor. Now Emily - who was trying to hide her ever-so-precious bottle of brandy - runs down to the cellar and bumps into Iris.

Oh boy.

So, whatever with that. It is what it is. I think it's being dragged out way too long, but this is kinda the writers' M.O., so whatev. I can just hope that Henry finds her soon and when he does, it will be wonderful.

PS - Margo, I luv ya, but...can you just frigging listen to Henry for a hot minute?! He's not so off his rocker with this whole thing! >_<

So Chris and Katie had an exciting day, didn't they? What I don't understand is how Katie was all, "ZOMG YOU NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL!" and she made Chris promise to get checked out by another doctor, but somehow he distracted her into getting him some juice (for "low blood sugar") and when Katie came back, she was suddenly fine with Chris's explanation of acid reflux without ever knowing whether or not he actually saw a doctor. HEH?!

Meanwhile, Reid is hovering about the hospital and sees Chris drawing his own blood. When Chris gives the vial to the nurse to run down to the lab for some tests, she asks him who the patient is, and he doesn't give her a name. So Reid snoops at the order for the tests, and finds out that Chris is looking for some rare tropical virus or something, instead of Chris just having "a tummyache" (as put so aptly by Reid XD). So Reid questions Chris - and also impresses upon him the fact that he's lying to Katie, who happens to be Reid's roommate - but with Chris, apparently mum's the word. :-/

So essentially...I'm guessing that Chris is going to become the Vienna in this scenario, and Reid is going to become the Katie. Chris is going to have some huge secret that he needs to keep under wraps for whatever asinine reasoning and Reid's going to get roped into it, probably thinking that he's going to help (and from what I've read, he is going to help). Good thing about this is that Reid will most likely be a little more firm in encouraging Chris to come clean.

Why isn't Chris just coming clean? He doesn't want anyone to know about it, but he was adamant about Katie taking him to Memorial for treatment. You would think that if he didn't want anyone to know, he would have settled for the hospital in the sticks. Puzzling, no?

And Margo was batting a thousand today. First she dismisses everything that came out of Henry's mouth (and admittedly, some of the things were a little questionable, LOL!), and then she assures Katie not to worry too much over Chris, because she believes what he said about it being acid reflux. Oy. I love Margo, but...she was really off her game in today's episode. Besides all that, Katie should go with her gut no matter what anyone else says, and if her gut says she should worry about Chris or push him to get more treatment, then she should go with that. Bah!

I have to admit, I'm looking forward to some more Chris and Reid interaction. I think it's going to be really interesting, and it might afford us another look at Reid's doctoring skillz. I dunno...I have a thing for that side of Reid. :-P Hell, I just have a thing for Reid. LOL!

Happy Friday, everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! ♥


PS - Previews - Casey asks Ali if she wants to give their relationship another try, and she says YES! SQUEEEEEE!

iris, recap post, margo, chris/katie, will/gwen, henry, paul/emily, doc oliver, written by g

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