Aaaaaand G Falls Asleep - Today's Recap, 7/15/10

Jul 15, 2010 15:31

So I totally lacked the ability to really pay attention to today's episode, and I dunno why. *sheepish* The stories aren't particularly bad - like, eyeroll-worthy bad - but they're not exactly riveting, either.

Oh, well.

So let's touch upon the main points of today's episode.

I dunno if I have this straight but...Lucinda's backing Blackie, who's backing Craig, who's backing Lily and Carly's company. Right? But Lily doesn't need ANY of them to fund her, I don't know what the hell she's doing with all this.

Dusty's pissed that Blackie is supposedly doing business with Lucinda, though she denies it up and down. Clearly, she is lying to Dusty, and he's already sent the bloodhounds to sniff Blackie's secrets out.

Blackie shows up at the farm to see Janet (seriously, how did he find out where she lives after only being in town for two minutes?) and ultimately schmoozes with her a little bit (and puts Dusty's gift down in the process). Janet once again is a turd and says that Dusty isn't her boyfriend. UGH. Also, she made it sound like if Blackie had asked her to keep quiet about the fact that he was doing business with Lucinda, she would have. WHICH MEANS SHE WOULD HAVE ESSENTIALLY BEEN LYING TO DUSTY. Ahhh, hipocrisy rears its ugly head once again.

Lucinda ensnares Holden to "check up on" Lily, because she hears that Lily spent the night in NY with Craig. Holden's in the middle of exercising and planning his wedding with Molly, but he ends up calling Lily anyway, but he gets ahold of Craig. Later, because he's terribly suspicious (and not AT ALL jealous), he confronts Lily about her night, and she says she bumped into Craig in midtown. Craig told him they bumped into one another at the airport. Holden leaves after Lily tells him to keep his nose out of her personal business.

He and Molly decide on appetizers, entrees, and cake for their wedding, but Molly weasels all the info on Lily out of him. Molly actually stands up for Lily and assures Holden that she won't make the same mistake as choosing to be with another horrible man. (Um, PS...Damian - with all his dastardly deeds in the past - is still MILES and MILES above Craig, in my book.)

Lily tells Francois she can stuff her deal after Francois dumps all these "renovation/upgrade" fees for the warehouse on her, but Craig convinces Lily to change her mind. Don't know what the eff's going on there, because last I knew, this warehouse was fictional. Why doesn't Lily want to actually SEE this place before she buys it?

Lucinda calls Sierra to come in for Craig damage control. Why Sierra would want to do this - especially with Gabriel in town - is beyond me. But whatevs.

I think that about covers it, right? :-)

Tomorrow looks exciting, though! Henry tells Vienna that he's either getting an annulment or he's filing for divorce, Babs is still having crazy!talk with Chuckles wherever the hell she is, Paul asks Emily flat-out of she did something to Barbara, and Henry's yelling at Katie that he suspects she helped Vienna keep all her horrible secrets from him. :-(

I hope for two things:

1) Dusty nails Blackie to the wall,
and 2) Henry nails Vienna to the wall.
And 3) Reid nails Luke against the wall. Whoops. Who said that?! :-P


dusty, recap post, craig, lily, janet, written by g, lucinda, holden/molly

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