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g_and_honey June 28 2010, 19:53:59 UTC
I think he doesn't know and only reacts in the moment rather than to Luke.

Ooh, yes...that does make sense! Maybe that's what it's been! I've been wavering back and forth between whether I think it's a fault on the writers or whether it's just how Jake's been playing Noah. I haven't come up with any conclusions yet. :-P All I know is that I don't like it when Noah doesn't show any consideration for Luke's feelings. Noah's so much better than that, I feel --> hence the scene where he told Luke about Reid quitting his job. You're right, soap characters are notorious for keeping juicy secrets like that, but Noah - being Noah - did the right thing, right away. I wish we could see more of that side of him during this storyline, because that's who he really is.

And Reid! Yup, he totally jumped to conclusions, didn't he? LOL. I guess Reid was kinda reacting in the moment, too. He just up and quit (well, after a pep talk from Katie)! But I totally can't blame him, because I love that he does stuff like this for Luke. I think this is the kind of stuff that Luke wants in a partner - someone who would sacrifice. Of course, I don't think Luke will let Reid sacrifice his job, but it's the thought that counts! :-) Especially since Reid himself said that without his job, he has nothing else to hold on to.

And yes, I totally agree with you - Luke definitely has strong feelings for Reid. Absolutely. There's no way he would have kissed Reid (or almost had sex with him) if he didn't. This is one of the things I love most about Luke! He's very true to himself, and he listens to his heart. He might be confused at the moment (which I think most people in this situation would be), but I think eventually he'll make the best choice determined by his true feelings. :-) It would be nice to see him articulate a little bit more how he really feels for Reid, for Reid's own peace of mind!



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