In The Land of DBs, The One With The Oakdale Brain is King - Today's Recap, 6/23/10

Jun 23, 2010 16:18

Okay, FIRST!


"Oh, Holden, yes! Let's get married!"
"Ahh, never mind, attack of conscience."
"Oh Holden, I love you! Let's do it!"
"Oh shit, Lily! Sorry Holden!"



How in THE HELL does Lily think that selling Molly down the river is going to make Holden suddenly switch gears and fall at her feet?! Earth to Lily: Annihilating Holden's marriage is not going to create those warm fuzzies you so desperately want him to feel towards you!

And Lucinda! I love Lucinda, but what the hell is going on with her lately? She's and destroy everywhere she goes! Set Craig up? Check. Run Gabriel out of town? As we speak! Remind Lily that she apparently can't exist without a man? Righty-o! Bully Molly every chance she gets? You betcha! Busy girl, she is!

Take a day off, okay, Lucinda? I know you're trying to look out for Lily, but this isn't the right way to do it.


Then, the boys. Okay, I've readily admitted that I have issues with Noah. The rift between the two of us really pisses me off, because I adored Noah before all the horrible blindness stuff happened. And yes, my Luke Bias is in full-swing today (as it is pretty much every day *L*). So when Luke came back into Java and was very apologetic and Noah basically screamed at him before he left, it really pissed me off.

Noah told Luke to go after Reid, because he knew that Luke wanted to. I'm glad he did that, because that's what people who care about each other do. But if he really didn't want Luke to go after Reid, then he didn't have to say anything. He really didn't. Luke is a big boy and can make his own decisions, and most likely would have made the decision to go after Reid (or not) on his own anyway. When Luke came back, he knew it was weird, and he apologized very quickly. It wasn't like Luke just dumped everything on Noah like he did yesterday.

I totally get why Noah's pissed off. I know he's pissed about Reid and Luke and how he found out about them, and I actually really like that he snarks off to Reid (or about him) every time they come in contact with one another. It just felt really disjointed to me today for Noah to be supportive one moment (telling Luke to go after Reid), and then supremely angry the next (yelling at Luke to "take care"). This is the issue I've been having with Noah lately: I feel like he is so easily angry/cold/sarcastic towards Luke while Luke usually takes Noah's feelings into account before he speaks or acts. I don't understand this facet of Noah. When someone treats me like they have no consideration for my feelings that easily, it makes me wonder if they ever really care (or cared) at all.

I don't know if this makes sense. It's very hard for me to describe. But I do know that I don't like this side of Noah, and the more I see it, the more I wish for that sweet-hearted boy who used to be proud of the fact that he and Luke both mutually put the other one first.

I dunno. Maybe Noah's just struggling. He must be having a hard time dealing with how he feels about Luke, with the knowledge that Luke and Reid have something going on, and on top of all that, dealing with Reid himself. I just wish that he wouldn't let his animosity take him over as easily as he does. Honestly, if he needs to walk away from it all, to give himself a break, to be able to breathe without all this stuff bogging him down, I think he should do it. He just got his life back; he should focus on himself a little bit more. Especially since being around Luke right now (if their last scene is any indication) is not making him feel great about his life!

BUT! Seriously, Noah was the only one in possession the Oakdale Brain today. Thank you, Noah, for being the only person on the show with some semblance of sanity. While Molly was running all over hell and gone with her head up her ass, Lily was turning into a clone of her mother, Bob was wringing his hands over what to do about Reid quitting his job, and Reid was being an idiot and choosing not to talk to Luke, Noah was the one actually using his brain and being a normal (decent!) human being.

Argh. Sorry, guys. I'm really not as annoyed as I'm sure this all sounds. I promise. :-) There were lots of things I liked about this episode.

Like Kim. I guess we could say that Kim shared the Oakdale Brain with Noah today. She keeps telling Bob that selling the hospital is not a good idea, but Bob apparently is not listening. And he went to speak to Mona about Reid and Luke's relationship, to...ask her permission?...or something, and I just find that odd. Not only odd, but awkward and uncomfortable as well! And it's sort of an invasion of Reid and Luke's privacy, isn't it? It's really not Mona's business what the two of them are doing. Bob himself had no clue for the longest while. I mean...I can understand what they're saying - that a donor and the head of the wing shouldn't be messing around with each other - but the whole thing has been totally brought out into the open and for whatever reason, that doesn't sit well with me. Shouldn't Bob kinda want to keep this all under wraps? He himself said that he didn't want Mona to catch on to Luke and Reid. So why did he bring it up to her flat-out, then? It could have been handled much more discreetly than that, right? Mona should not have been clued in to the whole thing. Why would she get the final say in someone's personal relationship? In that case, I wouldn't blame Reid for quitting at all! Having other people dictate my love life would piss me off so much I wouldn't even have words for it! And Bob honestly couldn't have found a different way around this?

You know how they say, "Behind every great man, there's an even greater woman"? --> Bob and Kim. Bob's fantastic on his own, and I love him, but sometimes...Kim really takes the cake. She's a smart gal and Bob should listen to her in this instance.

Or I'm just being super hyper-sensitive about it. :-P The whole point of a soap is for things to get blown out of proportion, right? That's part of the entertainment value. Otherwise we wouldn't have certain people thinking that other people are back to being a couple just because they - *cough* - shared a cup of coffee. :-P (REID OLIVER, I'M LOOKING AT YOU!)

Okay, so let's talk about him. Le sigh. Remember my "Men are dumb" mantra? Yup. :-P

Reid. I love you, but you were a butt for not talking to Luke today. JUST TELL HIM WHAT'S GOING ON. PLEASE. He asked you to talk to him! And don't get me wrong - the drama is good (oh, so good!) - but I really would have liked to see Reid admit what he did for Luke to Luke.

However, the drama and angst between them today was delicious. And Reid and the babysitter at Katie's was hilarious! "Go buy yourself a scrunchie." LMAO! And dude. Reid + teddy bear = my new OTP. XD I love that he stitched it back up for Jacob! Hee! Now if he would just answer his damn phone calls! >_<

But, if Reid had admitted what he did right off the bat today, we wouldn't have gotten Noah coming back to Java to tell Luke what happened. I'm glad we got that scene. I'm so very glad that Noah did that for Luke, and when Luke thanked him, Noah said, "You'd do the same thing for me." ♥ Yes. Yes, he would, Noah. Just because you two are apart doesn't mean you don't care for one another and can't look out for each other's happiness. *huggles Noah*

I think Molly's bi-polarism has rubbed off on me, guys! :-P I feel like there were things I loved and hated about every person on the show today. I apologize if this recap is wonky. My thoughts and feelings are all over the place! (Can you tell? :-P) This silly show scrambles me up sometimes. :-P

Short of the long: I liked today's episode, minus all the Molly stupidness. Oh yeah, and we got a Luke and Holden scene! In no way was it long enough for my taste, and they didn't talk about Luke's life in the slightest, but we got them together in the same scene AND they shared a hug! HELLZ YEAH!

PS - Bob's line about "Reid Oliver basically told me that he wishes me dead" to Kim made me BUST out laughing! HAHAHA, Bob. XD


luke/reid, bob/kim, recap post, lily, noah, written by g, lucinda, holden/molly

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