Chris, Luke, and Holden: Pick Me! Pick Me! - Today's Recap, 6/22/10

Jun 22, 2010 15:53

Today's episode was FUN! So I've decided to give it a proper recap. :-)

So...Bob's just sticking his nose in everybody's business, isn't he? :-P Totally kidding. I actually liked how Bob told Chris to chill with Katie, because even though Chris was really nice when talking to her about moving on from Brad, I was thinking the same thing Bob was: that Katie needs to be able to move on in her own time. She can't be ready for other people just because they want her to be. She has to know for herself that she's ready, otherwise she'll just get embroiled in a messy relationship scenario which likely won't end up working in anyone's favor.

And I LOVED her advice talk with Reid! YAY I GOT MY KATIE-REID RELATIONSHIP WOES GOSSIPY SCENE! HEE. You know how I always say that every straight girl needs a gay boy BFF? Today's Katie-Reid scene just serves as backup to my statement! :-P Katie went off on a tangent of her own about how you find the love of your life, lose it, and then some other wonderful guy comes waltzing into your life and you don't know if you should take a chance with him or hold off or what and everything's all crazy and messed up, and the whole thing applied just as perfectly to Reid as it did to her!!! LOVE IT. Straight girls + gay boys = my OTP. :-P There's a level of understanding and empathy there that straight women and straight men do not have.

Also...that scene was SO MADE OF WIN. Babbly!Reid once again made his appearance, and oh God, he was cute. Katie kept shooting him down and he kept going, "Uh...thanks?" and it was such a great scene. And then Katie shoves him out the door! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "This is what you should do kthx SEE YA!" Slam. Oh, Katie Peretti crack me up! Even though I don't understand what in the hell she's doing with Vienna and the pregnancy cover-up, I completely adored Katie today. :-D

And Chris, too. GOOD BOY CHRIS. I'm really glad that he went to apologize to Katie. I'm not sure about his "I'll stay out out of your life now" plan, but I'm glad he went to tell her that he won't push her anymore. Because honestly...pushing her would not work well for him. She'd be more likely to tell him to talk a long walk off a short pier than anything else. :-) Yay, Chris! Just be patient. Katie will come around...and then you two can have your Happily Ever After. :-)

Which is MORE than I can say for frigging Molly and Holden! the beginning, I liked them. I really did. And I still love Holden to pieces. But for real, guys...I AM OVER MOLLY AND HER CONSTANT DISPLAY OF WATERWORKS. UGH.

First off, what in blue blazes was Molly wearing today? This ain't the 80s, my friend! Also...where have you parked your brain?! This is the SECOND TIME she's turned Holden's marriage proposal down! Um...HELLO?! Are you a dumb shit? This is Holden Snyder we're talking about here...Mr. Morals and Ethics. He of the Most Wonderful Man on the Show category. Gah!

And now she's all worried about Lily, but I can't say that's without merit. I have a feeling that sooner or later Lily's going to take her mother's advice and try to break Holden and Molly up somehow. But I have to give her props for today, because she was strong and independent! I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Lily doesn't quite need a man right now. In my opinion, she's better off without one for a while, so she can be strong and stand on her own.

Question though...are P.I.'s just allowed to hand their findings over to anyone? Lucinda hires this guy to get the dirt on Molly and Silas, and he comes back with an envelope full of stuff and just hands it over to Lily! Err...that seems fishy to me. The guy's practically asking for an ass-whipping from Lucinda. (Unless Lucinda set the whole thing up, of course. Maybe she wanted Lily to be there when he arrived with all the info.)

Also...HEY! LILY ACTUALLY WORKS! Wow, it's been a long time since we've seen Lily do more than mope around the house or yell at her mother to go die in a fire. It's nice to see proactive Lily! :-D

And continuing with Lily, let's talk about Luke!

Okay, so this might annoy most people, but I love it when Luke and Lily have their little sit-downs and cry about their love lives. Despite her rocky background with her other three children, Lily's always been a great mom to Luke, and they've always been able to connect and share with one another. I love that they support one's like they were each other's first and original best friends, if that makes any sense. You know...since Luke was Lily's first child, and Lily was the first person Luke really know what I mean?

Anyway, yes. I love when they sit on the couch and share, and today was no different. And surprise! Lily actually talked about Luke moving on and being with Reid! I did not expect Lily to be so cool with it, since she's clearly Team Noah, but she was! Wow...look at Lily, being all able to put her personal feelings aside and support her son objectively! Crazy, am I right? :-) (Btw, I'm guessing Lily is still totally Team Noah, and I'm good with that! :-P)

And look who had a major case of the rawr! hiss today: LUKE! He basically spat on Reid's name every time it came out his mouth and was all bitter that Reid didn't choose him over the hospital. And at the meeting with Mona? Ouch, Luke! He pretty much stuck it to Reid every chance he could get. And poor Reid just sat there and took it. Rawr! PMS. :-P

Aaaand the scene with the boys at Java. Um...can we say awkward? Okay, if Luke and Reid had sailed off into the sunset while Luke and Noah had kept their friendship intact and were still close, but Luke and Reid had suddenly broken up and Luke had come to talk to Noah about it, then today's scenes wouldn't have been so weird. But considering Luke and Noah are fresh off their "breakup" (AKA Noah punched Reid's lights out and then told Luke go to kill himself), today was NOT the correct time and place for Luke's word vomit about Reid! *facepalm* My dear Luke, I love you, but...Noah does NOT want to hear this from you! *gigglesnort* Luke was all, "REID'S A JERK!" and Noah was like, "UM, YEAH, DUH. YOU'RE A QUICK ONE." How else was Noah supposed to react? Silly boys! But at least they were civil.

And're missing a whole half of this story! Reid told you himself the other day that it wasn't just about being a doctor and choosing the hospital. I can understand you're angry, but...give Reid a chance! He's trying and you don't even know about it! Gyargh. Men are dumb.

But! Props to Noah. Even though he hates Reid with the burning passion of a thousand fiery suns, he still felt bad for Luke (and he was brave enough to ask about their relationship in the first place). He was his usual, caring self towards Luke. And even when Luke came back to cry more about Reid (*epic facepalm* on my part), Noah was still understanding of him! Go Noah!

And then they shared a laugh, which made me laugh. YAY! But of all the things for Luke to bring up, it was when Zack kissed Noah? That's what Luke chose to talk about? Uhh...perhaps Luke forgot about his own mishaps with Brian-kissing and the Reid-kissing that Noah witnessed. That's not exactly the first thing I would have brought up if I were Luke! *headdesk*

Oh, Luke. I love you, were kinda a dumbhead today. :-P

Thankfully, we get more tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have a feeling this is all going to get worse before it gets better. :-/ The preview shows Luke screeching at Reid outside of Java, something about he can't avoid Luke forever, and Reid says, "Not for long..." DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN. And Holden and Molly are eloping? Or something like that...and other things happened that I can't remember. :-P We'll just have to watch and see! Hee!


chris, recap post, katie, lily, noah, doc oliver, bob, luke, written by g, holden/molly

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