"Telling the Truth is Always a Good Thing" - Today's Recap, 5/24/10

May 24, 2010 19:28

Dumb bitch, table for one?

Why yes, that would be a reservation under the name LIBERTY CICCONE.

Aaaaaand...I'm back to hating Liberty. >_<

For real, guys...I wanted to put her head through a wall. Did she not hear what Parker was telling her today? She comes in all, "Oh Parker, lovely sweetie my BFFL Parker, let's go to a concert together because you're the bestest friend a girl ever had," and he tells her that Gabriel was BLACKMAILING CRAIG using the money from HIS TRUST FUND, and ALL LIBERTY CARES ABOUT IS POOR BABY GABRIEL?! Is this girl FOR REAL?!

PS - You've known Gabriel for FIVE SECONDS!


*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

Parker mans up and tells her the truth, and after that all I heard was SCREEEEEEEEEE (everyone please welcome back the unequivocal sound of nails on a chalkboard!) EEEEEEEEEEEE from Liberty.

If I hear ONE MORE PERSON say something akin to, "OMG but what about Gabriel?!" I'M SERIOUSLY GONNA HURT SOMEONE.

Also...I'd like to point out that Gabriel made his own bed, yes? So this kid finds out who his father is and comes to Oakdale all by himself - which is not his fault, since his mother died of cancer - but he comes back all by himself to NOT make amends with Craig?! Why the hell did he even bother to come, then? And it wasn't like he was kinda sorta nice to Craig in order to feel him out before he learned of Craig's asshattery with Parker's trust fund. Gabriel pretty much HATED Craig from the start without even knowing anything real about him. And not to mention that the first thing we saw Gabriel do upon his arrival in Oakdale was cover for Faith's drug/shoplifting habits!

Liberty better check her definition of "good person" one more time, 'cause I'm not seeing the correlation.

And this is someone that Liberty is willing to toss her loyalty away for, because of how "good" she thinks he is. Oh yeah, and her line? The "So you went to Monte Carlo to kill Gabriel?" line to Parker? KILL YOURSELF, YOU MORON. Why, yes, actually, that's exactly what Parker was planning, seeing how he's NEVER KILLED ANYONE IN HIS LIFE BEFORE. Better lock that psychopath up! Watch out, folks, Parker Snyder's on the loose!

I just don't understand why Liberty is fawning all over Gabriel like he's five years old and has nowhere to turn. He made it to Oakdale by himself, yes? So he's not incapable of taking care of himself. And the sheer fact that she seems to care more about Gabriel than Parker really pisses me off. Remember Parker, Liberty? Your ex-husband?!

And Lily today...what was up with just giving Gabriel a key to her house? What if he chooses not to move in with her? Then he's just running around with a free pass to the Lilypad (and therefore, everything in it, including Lily's children)? Err...Lily...remember that funny pink thing in your head? Your brain? Yeah...you might want to use it. And Lily knows next to nothing about Gabriel, too! She doesn't know who he is or what he's capable of (and for serious, it's a good thing Faith's living at the farm right now, 'cause the two of them would be sneaking out and knocking over covenience stores in the middle of the night together or something). Argh.

And Lucinda, too. Okay...I understand where she's coming from, but strong-arming Gabriel (and pretty much taking advantage of his ill-intent towards Craig) is not right. I'm glad that Parker's off the hook and he got to go home, but Craig's life is now in the hands of the D.A., who's going to charge him with attempted murder. And that's not what happened. Yeah, Craig was an asshole for thinking he could get away with the trust fund thing and burning Monte Carlo to the ground (and I wouldn't mind seeing Dusty get full custody of Johnny), but Craig didn't try to kill Gabriel.

Argh. This fricking episode drove me nuts! Can you tell? :-P

You know what I would have done, if I were Parker? The moment Liberty started going all screechy-crazy on me, I would have just given her the finger and walked the hell out. Seriously! HAHAHAHAHA. Dumb bitch. :-P

There were a couple of bright spots in today's episode, though. One was when Jack went to confront Craig at the station. So Craig tells Jack that he would never try to pin this whole thing on Parker because he lurrrrrves Carly and it would put her through too much pain...but he has apparently forgotten that day when he showed up at Carly's house to rub in her face how he knew that Parker was responsible for Gabriel being unconscious at Monte Carlo. Craig's long-term memory must have burnt up with the building or something. But then Jack gets riiiiiight up in his face and tells him that if he weren't subject to an investigation from I.A. (Internal Affairs), he would just kill Craig himself. JACK SNYDER WILL PUT YOU OVER HIS KNEE, SON! :-P

And the other bright spot was Carly, and how damn cute she was with Parker. She was so supportive of him, and when he got to go home she was so happy that she offered to cook him his favourite dinner. XD Then when he came down to the kitchen to talk to her, she hugged him again and I just LOVE THESE TWO! HEE. SO CUTE! Parker just goes right along with her; it's so adorable!

Also...so Margo yanked Jack off the case when Parker became involved, but she still gets to be on it when Craig is arrested (again)? I mean, I know she's the Chief of Police and all, but shouldn't someone else be handling it for her? Hmm.

And previews!

Are you ready for some more yummy delicious (read: DO NOT WANT) Vienna/Casey sexytiems? They're going to talk about how Casey is just Vienna's "boy toy" tomorrow. And then Vienna, what...goes home and gets it on with Henry? Because Barbara's showing up at their door just when they're all out of breath and surprised...

And Katie's hitting Chris with her car! *snort* Nothing says "I love you" like a life-crippling injury. :-P Are you taking note, Reid Oliver? Your roommate knows how to really show affection! Forget all those tender face-touching moments...next time just punch Luke in the face! He's bound to understand you then! :-P

PS - I'd just like to note that Lily has spent more time at the hospital with Gabriel than she has with Noah. And she just declared Noah her "son" last week. Methinks something is off with this one. :-P


liberty, gabriel, recap post, margo, craig, lily, janet, jack/carly, parker, written by g, lucinda

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