"Traumas and Dramas and All That Good Stuff" - Today's Recap, 5/18/10

May 18, 2010 19:32

Okay, first...don't watch today's episode while thinking about how the show is cancelled and we're going to miss seeing our favourite characters on our screens come September, because there's a part of me that felt like the show was using Lisa'a anniversary today to not only give a nod to her history, but also to allude to the show's history, and thank its loyal viewers for years of dedication.

So :-D but T_T at the same time!

Gotta say, I thought that the episode started off with such cheesetastic goodness, but over the course of the episode, it became more meaningful and totally cute. And for real...we have the best actors and actresses on this show. These guys are AMAZING! Did you see that scene between Ali and Margo as Lisa and Nancy?! WOW. I totally felt like I was watching the show way back when (way back when I wasn't even born! LOL). And Katie's scene with Chris was really good, too! I am convinced that Terri Colombino is not only the coolest chick on the planet, but also the hottest. That woman couldn't be more any more gorgeous than she already is! *_* I'm the straightest straight girl you'll ever meet, but dude...I'd totally go for Terri! :-P

So, things I didn't like in today's episode? Vienna, for one.

First she hits Ali with that below-the-belt comment about how she left Casey at the altar, and then she lies (or I'm assuming that she's lying, since she's still getting it on with Casey tomorrow) to Henry and tells him she's pregnant because she saw him kissing Barbara.

So, was Ali an idiot by ruining what she had with Casey with Mick? Absolutely. But does Vienna have any right to be criticizing Ali when it comes to her choices concerning love? Absolutely not.

Vienna is just using Casey for sex (and hopefully - in her mind - a baby). Casey's thinking he's got something going on that could grow into something bigger and better (and subsequently blanket out all the horribleness of his breakup with Ali), and he's in for an extremely rude awakening. Poor guy. (But he needs to stop being an idiot, too! Think, Casey! With the other head! The one with the brain. :-P)

I also thought it was kinda strange that Casey and Ali were sniping at each other in their last episode (when they were working together and Luke asked them to come visit Noah), but suddenly they were able to do this scene for Lisa that had lots of romantic overtones and some smooching in it. That kinda left me scratching my head.

And Katie's scene, too. She was positively BUGGING OUT over it! She wanted to cut the whole thing from Lisa's show! Why not just run around with a neon blinking light across her chest that says "I'M TERRIBLY SELF-CONSCIOUS ABOUT THE KISS I SHARED WITH CHRIS"? 'Cause it was so damn obvious that she wasn't doing a good job of hiding how she felt. Chris had to come talk to her later in Old Town just to calm her down about it! And he had to say that it was "just a kiss" when clearly, it wasn't. Oy.

No kisses on this show are "just a kiss"! Barbara and Henry today - their kiss? Totally not. Katie and Chris, in the scene for Lisa's show? Nope. Reid and Luke, in Dallas? Yeah, right! Faith's little "just wanted to see what it was like" kiss with Parker? Nuh-uh. Janet and Dusty, when they first started out? No way. The kissing always means something more than the characters make it out to be. Silly characters. :-) But good for soap drama.

Anyway. Let's SQUEE over Barbara and Henry! OMG HOW MUCH DID YOU LOVE THEM TODAY?!

Let's forget about stupid Vienna crouching down and waiting till Barbara confronted her to be mean to Barbara about the kiss, okay? That never happened. :-P But what did happen was that I want to once again say: HENRY COLEMAN, I LOVE THE CRAP OUTTA YOU! :-D

He calls Barbara to ask when she's getting her test results back. She ends up going to WOAK to be with him because just hearing his voice made her feel better. She tells him she wants more days where she feels alive (and lots of those days happened when she was with him), and he asks her to dance with him, right in the office at WOAK. They dance and hold each other and then Barbara gets the news from her doctor. Henry thinks it's bad news at first and starts rambling on and on about how they're going to get Barbara a better doctor, but then she tells him that she's cancer-free and they end up in each other's arms again and then they kiss! YAAAAAYYYY! But then they blow it off as "excitement" and go their separate ways. Boo.

BUT! My God, they're so cute. I adore them together. They are just so right for one another, and even though I know Henry cares about Vienna very much, you can tell that he's totally head over heels for Barbara. Sigh. I love them. And Henry is so sweet with her, he makes my knees all wobbly. :-P I love you, Henry Coleman! You're a swootie and a half. ♥

Also? FRIGGING MARGO AND TOM ARE SO FRIGGING CUTE. God. Why is every damn couple on this show fricken adorable?! Margo was so sweet and she called Tom "baby" today! AHHHH, so cute. She also said that he was the best man she'd ever known. And Tom is totally deserving of her praise. GAH!

So we had Barbara and Henry: cute. Margo and Tom: cute. Bob and Kim: cute. Lisa and her stories about ALL her men: cute. And Chris and Katie could work up to being cute if Katie would let herself (though I'd be lying if I didn't mention that I really want Simon to come back and sweep her off her feet before show's end). And if Casey could stop being a dunderhead and forget Vienna, he and Ali could once again be cute.

Can you guess what today's word of the day is? :-P

Aaaaaaand tomorrow! Tomorrow's eppy is looking very promising. We've got more Vienna-baby antics (oy gevalt), Chris and Katie getting stuck somewhere (why are characters on this show always getting stuck places?), and Noah's picking up on Luke and Reid and their *ahem* connection, 'cause apparently the two of them can't either tell him the truth or keep their feelings under wraps. Pick one, you two! I vote for honesty. Poor Noah. :-( But dude...Van's looking hott as shit! Can I have his hair? And you know what I find funny? That Doc Oliver is usually so good at disguising himself, at masking his feelings from everyone, except for when it comes to Luke. Luke's got him coming apart at the seams it seems! LOL.


Today's episode was neat. Nice little throwback to the show and its history, in a very inventive way. :-)


chris, bob/kim, recap post, katie, lisa, margo/tom, casey, vienna, alison, written by g, henry/barbara

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