"Still Friends?" - Today's Recap, 5/13/10

May 13, 2010 19:42

Okay. A few things today made me ENORMOUSLY happy today ( Read more... )

chris, recap post, katie, noah, casey/vienna, alison, doc oliver, luke, written by g, henry/barbara

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g_and_honey May 14 2010, 17:39:00 UTC
Hee! Benry FTW!

I can't even think straight when it comes to Vienna. I have no clue what she's trying to pull, I just know that whatever she's doing is nothing but extreme stupidity. And Casey, too. I love him, but he's being an idiot! Grr.

Katie's annoyed me at times, too. I usually love her, but this whole matchmaking thing (and the thing with Henry and Vienna) really ticks me off.

Chris is adorable, I agree. Heh. Chris and Reid would be sooo funny, considering they HATE each other. LOL!

I think maybe Luke alluded to them not being happy before the accident because of Mason, since Mason pushed Luke to his breaking point a couple times, whereas Noah couldn't be bothered to get upset about Mason. Maybe that's what he meant? But yeah...Noah was SO IN LOVE with Luke at that point, and I adored that!

Casey and Ali visit was made of win! I couldn't believe we got that scene! I'm so happy we did, though. It was awesome. And Noah was right - he does need his friends. Especially after scary surgery and complications and being unconscious and all.

And hmm...I didn't think about Reid that way, but that's a very interesting point of view! You're totally right about the jealousy being gas on a fire for Luke. He loves it when people are jealous over him. The one thing I can say is that I don't think Luke likes Reid because of the snark or the rudeness or the jealousy...he likes that Reid is ALWAYS upfront and honest, and he's this brilliant neurosurgeon who's become smitten with Luke, which is kind of an ego stroke for Luke. Also...I know a lot of people don't see it, but...I see a lot of tenderness in Reid, especially when it comes to Luke. Mostly when it comes to Luke. Reid's always caressing his face, and he talks to Luke differently than everyone else (when they're alone, that is :-P). So I think Luke's also attracted to that.

And I think it's so interesting that you think that Reid is going to hurt Luke! I think that's the first time I've seen someone be worried over that...most people (well, most LuRe fans) are worried that Luke's going to hurt Reid! LOL. I don't want any of them to get hurt, but...that's not going to happen! :-P



brighton_girl May 14 2010, 19:51:51 UTC
But Reid isn't always upfront and honest with Luke...Luke just doesn't know that yet.

And Reid called Luke an idiot yesterday, that's not tender at all, it's bordering on something else. He's messing with him, he's back and forth and I think that's what's going to hurt Luke...or maybe it's what will make him realize that Reid isn't really what he wants.

All a crap shoot right now.


g_and_honey May 15 2010, 02:25:01 UTC
But Reid isn't always upfront and honest with Luke.

How so? You mean that you feel that Reid has lied to him?

And yeah...the "idiot" thing was totally not tender. :-P I think Reid was hiding behind his snark and jealousy when he said that, though. In fact, with the exception of the very last bit with Reid and Luke (and the face-touching), I'm pretty sure everything Reid was saying was out of pure jealousy...and it could be argued that he was also protecting Luke in a way, because his rudeness kind of covered up the fact that he and Luke have feelings for one another in front of Noah.

But yes, definitely a crapshoot. None of us really knows what's going to happen, and Luke doesn't know, either. :-)



brighton_girl May 15 2010, 05:40:46 UTC
Okay, flat out lied? I don't think so, at least not yet, but he does withhold stuff...stuff that's important, so yes I find that less than honest.

Maybe this is just me? But, I really don't "like" people who go after people who are involved with other people. And Luke, he can say they aren't, but Luke is involved with Noah.

Okay, I just really don't like Reid Oliver. ESS is a good actor, but I don't like his character, and I really don't think I ever will.


g_and_honey May 16 2010, 19:12:01 UTC
Totally gotcha, and that's totally cool with me. I think that with Reid, you either love him or hate him. The nice thing about it, though, is that everyone seems to appreciate Eric, despite how they feel about Reid. :-) I totally love that!



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