When Faith Snyder Is Your Best Ally, You Know You're In Deep Sludge - Today's Recap, 5/11/10

May 11, 2010 15:50


So...Faith and Parker brought about a whole new meaning to the phrase "kissing cousins" today, didn't they?

PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Even though it kinda grosses me out, it's still funny all the same. Of course we know that Parker is Hal Munson's son, not Jack's, but I still maintain that Faith crushing on Parker would be kinda like Luke crushing on Aaron. :-P

Anyway, if I haven't said it yet, this whole storyline with Gabriel is driving me bonkers, and not because of plot. The story in itself is okay - not breathtakingly awesome, but nothing like the abomination that was Mick Dante - but it's dragging so much I want to cry. Pleeease...someone, anyone, please find out the truth about something so we can get this show on the road! Right now it's about five or six characters standing around talking at each other without making any real conclusions. UGH.

Well, I can't complain fully, because today we kinda got somewhere. Sort of. So Craig shows up at Carly's to taunt her about the fact that he suspects that Parker was involved in Gabriel's accident, and honestly, I don't know how Carly played it off so well. Damn, that girl's devious. :-P She was cool as a cucumber, and I actually really liked how she screamed at Craig that Parker has every right to be mad at him, because he stole Parker's future right out from under him. Even though Carly is lying to everyone about what happened with Parker, she was still correct in saying that to Craig.

Parker, on the other hand, is not as cool as Carly. He seeks out Faith's help - yes, Faith's - and she has nothing but praise for how awesome Carly is being with this whole thing. Not to put Carly down, because while I disagree with what she's doing, I like Carly a lot and think she's a great mom, but to have Faith idolize her for being dishonest rubbed me the wrong way. Faith was all, "Ugh, my mom's not nearly as cool," and while that may be true in some aspects (:-P Poor Lily), Lily has been working her ass off to try and reconnect with Faith with no help from her ungrateful daughter.

Of course, Parker agrees with me. :-P He doesn't think it's so awesome for Carly to keep pressuring him to remain quiet about his fight with Gabriel, and he's not sure how much longer he can keep the whole charade up. So later at Java, when Jack comes to find Parker to talk, Parker is about thisclose to giving the truth up to Jack when Faith slides in and says that Parker was with her, helping her study for a math test right before the fire at Monte Carlo started. And Parker went along with her at the time, but I really think he's about to hit his breaking point and confess.

On top of all of this, Jack and Margo searched Gabriel's room, and Jack found a manila envelope under Gabriel's bed that was just chock FULL of pictures and newspaper clippings about Craig. Jack was very surprised to see what he saw, and he made some crack about, "Holy Stalker City" or something like that. :-P So now, I guess we can infer that Gabriel did indeed know that Craig was his father? That would make sense, although if Gabriel's initial explanation was true - that he was friends with Bryant when they were young and was pissed when he heard about Craig taking Bryant's money - then that would still also kinda work. It would be lame, but it would work nonetheless. What do you guys think? Does Gabriel know Craig is his father?

Not that I'm that interested in this story. :-P I'm just curious by nature. LOL.

Oh yes, and Jack had a meeting with someone from the bank that oversees Parker's trust fund, and the dude lets it slip that he told Parker before the fire happened that his fund had been completely drained. So now Jack knows that Parker knew about his trust fund and therefore, that could have given Parker motive for Gabriel's attempted murder. Though, I have to say, Parker would most likely go after Craig first (not to murder him, mind you), and Jack probably knows this. Jack doesn't know that Parker knew that Gabriel was blackmailing Craig with the money from Parker's trust.

Ugh. That sentence kind of hurt my head. :-P Stupid storyline!

So now on to NutMeg, Paul, and Emily! We had a bit of excitement with them today, didn't we?

First, I would just like to say to Emily: YOU DON'T EVER, EVER LEAVE YOUR BABY IN THE CAR BY HERSELF, EVER. I don't care if it's only for five seconds, you don't do that! Granted, Emily only stepped two feet away from the car, but still...it was obviously enough time for the shit to hit the fan!

So what happened was, Emily and Eliza were on their way to a Mommy and Me class (and I found it funny that Paul said, "I wish I could go with you," but um...Paul, the name of the class is Mommy and Me, LOL!) when Emily gets a call from work about a criminal that she'd written a piece on nine years earlier who had just escaped from prison again. At first Emily didn't want to try to cover the story, but she ended up driving to the place he'd last been seen anyway, just to see if she could get a look. Initially, he was nowhere to be found, but when Emily went to get back in the car, he grabbed her from behind and starting demanding to know if she was a cop. When he finally let her speak, she told him she wasn't, but he dragged her away from the car anyway at gunpoint, while Emily screamed that her baby was still in the car. Around the corner, the guy rips Emily's coat open to determine whether or not she's wearing a wire (um...I've watched enough cop shows to know that wires are usually attached to the body underneath the clothes, you silly criminal!) and when she tells him who she is and how she wrote a piece on him that did not paint him as the bad guy, she thought she had a chance. Unfortunately, she didn't, and a struggle ensued. Emily knees the guy in the crotch, then slams him over the head with a trash can lid (HAHA you go girl!) and then takes off in the direction of her car.

She gets there safe and sound, but DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN! Eliza is missing from the backseat. And THAT'S IT! That's where their story left off today! AGGHHH.

And I have to ask (not that I'm carrying a grudge against this storyline or anything :-P) why Emily hadn't done that to Mick all those months ago at Casey and Ali's wedding?!! Seriously...it was five against one, and not one of the people in attendance (*coughHenryCaseycough*) could have given Mick a swift kick to the groin and gotten it over with? Geez. Emily took down one man by herself today, yet Mick got to rant and rave like a freakshow for TWO DAMN DAYS.

Argh, ATWT. You have scarred me for life with that particular plotline, no doubt about it. :-P

So NutMeg was sort of on the rampage today, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I kinda just want to see her be normal again. Emma's still all up in arms about Meg relying on Paul too much, and I can see where Emma's coming from - I really can, considering that Paul was less than stellar as Eliza's father for a good long while there - but Emma is not helping Meg at all. In fact, she admitted today that she no longer knows how to help Meg, which, of course, doesn't help Meg. :-P

So Meg asks Paul if he'll meet her at Memorial and talk to her boss so that she can get her job back again, but before they go to talk to Meg's boss, Paul admits that he'll have to be truthful with her, and he doesn't feel like Meg is ready to be completely responsible for Eliza. Meg gets all rawr! hiss at him about it, but I actually kinda liked his honesty. I think if Emma gets off Meg's back, and Paul keeps his tact intact (LOL), then the situation could really work itself out. Meg shouldn't be rushing and Emma shouldn't be pushing and Paul shouldn't be giving Eliza up before he's ready. I can understand Meg's desire to work again, but she's going to have to find some other avenue to make that happen. And then, when she's settled in at work and feeling good about herself again, she can work on getting partial custody of Eliza. See? It could work.

Of course, it's not going to go that way, especially not now with Emily losing Eliza in the middle of town on a bright sunny day. :-P I'm sure Meg's going to flip out when she hears what's happened, and Paul's going to be stuck in the middle. This is also not going to fuel any friendly relations between Meg and Emily in the future. Oh, boy. Please secure your tray tables and make sure your seat is in its upright locked position, 'cause this is gonna be a bumpy landing! :-D

Aaaaaaaand previews!

OMG CAN I JUST GUSH ABOUT LUKE AND HIS "IT'S ME" ADORABLE SWEET LOVELY FACE WHEN NOAH WAKES UP?! Oh. my. goodness!!! I love when Van makes those types of expressions! So sweet! GAAAHHHHHH. I am so hyped for tomorrow's episode, can you tell? :-D And seriously...I'm so happy that Luke's pretty pretty face is going to be the first thing Noah sees. ♥ I wouldn't mind waking up to Van's face every day! LOL. Oh what the hell, I practically do, thanks to fandom. :-D

Also, can I just say HRRRRBLARGH in response to Molly kissing Silas? (That was me tossing my cookies, if you couldn't tell. :-P) WHAT IS SHE THINKING?! In what universe does Congressman Blowhard trump Holden Snyder?! Not even in an AU, my dear...not even in an AU! Blechh!

YAY! Hopefully a SWEET and WONDERFUL episode tomorrow! I'm excited! HEE!


jack, eliza, faith, recap post, emma, margo, emily/paul, carly, craig, parker, written by g, meg

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