Apr 07, 2009 14:34
I have seen numerous posts about the CCF icons made yesterday. I wasn't going to go there and respond, but I changed my mind. This is what I wrote to the creator of the icons:
I appreciate your attempt at a disclaimer in the end of your post. What I don't understand is why you put it there. If you felt the need to add a disclaimer to your post, then you obviously knew what you were doing was wrong. You knew, deep down, that comparing Clark/Chloe/Chlois fans with the KKK was completely inappropriate. As creative as you are, I wish you could have come up with a better analogy than that. I'm sure, after the response you have gotten, you wish you had, too.
This fan-bashing crap in our fandom needs to stop. Neither of us is more right or wrong than the other. Both groups are guilty of bashing not only the characters (which is perfectly okay) but the actors as well (not okay). It moves to an unacceptable level when we start bashing each other. Really, it is just a show. Neither side is going to get a prize at the end of the show when Clark makes his choice.
I admit to laughing at and enjoying icons that make fun of Lois. I don't even mind most of the ones that make fun of Chloe. Some of those are even funny, like the "Husband, what husband?" one. It's funny. I don't normally get involved in shipper wars, and I purposely stay away from journals and threads (especially on Ksite) that are clearly marked Clois. I just don't see the point in going there when I don't and never will ship Clois. It aggrevates me to no end that Clois fans keep going into the Chlark threads just to stir trouble. I'm sure it happens in the Clois threads, too, but like I said, I don't go, so I don't know personally. I am not one of the ones who does that.
I am friends with quite a few Cloisers. I would be really offended if any of them showed up here patting you on the back for the CCF icons. Luckily, they didn't, and that just goes to show that we can get along peacefully. How about we call a truce? There are only 4 episodes and 1 season left. We're adults, and I'm sure we can quit bashing each other and the actors for that long. We don't have much time left with our show. How about we make the most of it? I'll talk to my people and you can talk to your people. We can make this stop. It makes fandom no fun when we're all mad at one another. ~
So, we need to start getting along. Do I like Lois? Not really. Do I enjoy icons and things that make fun of her? Sure do! That doesn't mean that I don't like ED or wish her personally any harm. It is all supposed to be in good fun. For instance, the upcoming episode, Stiletto, looks dumb as hell and has filler written all over it, but I'm still going to watch, just to make fun of Lois and her failed attempt at being a superhero. Just like I'm sure Cloisers watched Hex and thought it was the best thing evah that Chloe is jealous of Lois and wants her fabulous life. It is fun to have debates and discussions about the characters and the show itself, but we need to quit bashing each other and the actors. This fandom has become a drag and it used to be so damn fun. I want to get back there again. We only have a little time left with our show, and I think we should all try a little harder to make it enjoyable again.