Jan 04, 2005 20:59
I got some sea monkeys for my birthday, I'm just preparing their tank now so i checked on their site to see what info they have on there. you can get some great tanks and I think everyone should have at least one www.sea-monkeys.com
check out these from the faq page
Does Growth Food taste good?
Only to the Sea-Monkeys, but there's no accounting for taste!
How long does mating take?
Sometimes you may see your Sea-Monkeys attached for several weeks,
so try to give them some privacy.
Do Sea-Monkeys get hurt while mating?
Not usually, although sometimes things can get pretty rough.
What are those sacs hanging off my Sea-Monkey? Are they Sea-Monkey testicles? (that had me giggling like a big girl)
Uh No, actually, those are the females' egg sacs.
I'm worried that there are too many Sea-Monkeys in the tank
What are some cool Sea-Monkey facts?
They breathe through their feet and adults have 3 eyes!
Why don't my Sea-Monkeys look like the ones depicted on the packaging?
The illustrations are meant to communicate the fun of the Sea-Monkey environment and are not the actual size or shape found in nature.
Should I separate the Sea-Monkeys when they are fighting!
No, you should never get in the middle of any animal fight! Let them work out their differences on their own!!
and the best
I accidentally ate the contents of one of the packets, should I seek medical attention?
No, but what were you thinking? While not very tasty to humans, all of the packets (Water Purifier, Instant Life, Growth Food, etc.) are completely non-toxic. The only exception would be if you had some sort of allergic reaction.
I wonder how many people actually phoned sea monkey hq to ask them this?