There are some days when it hurts, says the old man. But I don’t worry about it anymore, he muttered. At least I’ve found something meaningful that I can spin my life around.
The youth looked up to him and wondered, out loud, in his face, shouting, "But what do you do when what you’ve always wanted breaks your back and leaves you for dead next to the railroad tracks in the rain and you realize that no one will find you, ever, and you lie there by yourself waiting to heal, repeating the same refrain, that it will always get better?! That your troubles will always be wonders no matter how hard your struggle gets?!"
And, having forgotten the question, the old man continued to himself, "At least I’ve found something meaningful that I can spin my life around."
So yeah, the positive responses from the two people I hoped to hear from the most meant far more than I think anyone knows. So I posted the next stream that came out of my head.