Aug 02, 2007 16:49
So I found Placebo, my other snail. Now both Protozoa and Placebo are dead. It was sad that I had to find both of them out of the tank and dead. Tis sad really because I loved both of those stupid little things. *sigh* Oh well, I guess. Not to mention another one of my tetra's died. So I was down to one and that wasn't good seeing how they are schooling fish. But I took 3 of Karen's tetra's so now it is all good. I think that I want to get some of the algae eating shrimp that I saw the other day. I do need more algae eaters now that 2/3's of my algae eaters are gone. Poor little Snarl is the only on of the algae eaters left. :( But that's alright. He seems to love the dragon ornament that I put in there for them. He's so awesome. Yeah, I love my fish. What's it to you?!