Jan 17, 2007 14:26
Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Also to tell you that I am kinda happy. Mostly because one of my friends told me that she just wants me to be happy. That is the very first time that anyone has ever said that to me. Not even my family dare speak those words. Heck, when I moved out of my parents place they tried to bribe me to move back in. I remember telling my sister that "I would rather be poor and happy then better off and depressed". Everything turned out alright though. Point being someone finally said that they want me to be happy and I believe them. :) Hopefully my other friends will follow suit and agree that it is better if I am happy. I know that all of you that read this want me to be happy. Either that or not as moppy. :) You people are great and have helped me through tons. For that I am grateful. :) Just wanted to say "Thank you" and know that I really mean it. :)
fun with friends,