Minerva Hinchey to Inn at Long Trail 19
Weather: Hazy, humid, threat of storm
Animals: A snake!
We had a slow start getting out of camp this morning. With the threat of rain, we didn’t much feel like hiking. But as the day wore on the sun began to peek out and we finally realized it would actually be sunny for our Killington summit. After walking through overgrown fields the heat started to get to me, and our pace slowed. I’ve gotten sick of the gorp and haven’t been eating nearly enough, this may also be why I slowed.
Along the way we found direction to a “secret” shelter on private land…I won’t say anything more *wink*. There was one bit of trail magic that had just dried up before we got there. A mile or so later there was a cooler full of cokes and a plastic bin with peanut butter crackers. So delicious and refreshing! Killington’s climb seemed long, but again, I hadn’t eaten much and was suffering the ill effects. At the summit side trail we saw the Newlyweds, Tree Girl, and Mr. Rodgers. Steve did the summit trail but Tim and I were too beat. It was at this time we had the amazing idea to hike the extra 6 miles to the Inn, thus getting there a day ahead of schedule. The final push down Sherburne Pass Trail was exhausting, but there were amazing views of the valley, and you could see the Inn from Pico peak!
Steve arrive 7ish, Tim and I 7:30ish. Steve was already in the pub sampling the Guinness. It was really neat that the bartender made a clover leaf in the head. Tim ordered a Guinness, I a root beer, and we set into a plate of delicious nachos. A Soxs game was on the telly, Fire Fly and Mountain Goat were enjoying brews, all was right with the world. Then my bacon cheeseburger arrived. 2 more root beers and I was ready for bed. Zzzz.