Big Branch to Minerva Hinchey 12.7
Weather: Pouring Rain, later clearing
Animals: Homo Backpackeralis
This day went from wet to dry! The first miles were in soaking rain. The span between Little Rock Pond lean-to and White Rocks was amazing. There were tall pines on the slopes and incredible rock cairns, stacked in gravity-defying piles. There was a group of girls out who were snacking in the rain by a rock garden. We made a b-line for Greenwall Shelter. Tim wanted to dump his boots out and wring his socks. There were 3 hikers holed up in the shelter already, a bald man with a grey moustache and a red-head with powerful legs. The third was a guy tucked in the corner smiling. The newlyweds were there eating a bit of lunch. I got so cold just sitting there I insisted we move on. After Bear Mountain it was a nice level descent into a valley. The Sun was just peeking out and I was enjoying the calls of the birds, some I’m not familiar with.
I could hear Tim and Steve laughing and the tell-tale cracking of beers (earlier by Little Rock Pond a hiker had given us 4 buds). We chilled for a while then built a fire to dry our boots. Dinner was Beef Stroganoff, mmmm! And of course, a snicker’s bar. No one’s here yet, maybe it’s just us and the bird.