Yet more drabble-isation.

May 08, 2010 00:58

Still trying to learn stuff for exams, still having to look words up in the dictionary because all of a sudden, i'm questioning everything.

Still also all the fault of
kate and actually, maybe also a little the fault of
bluflamingo because her Lorne characterisations? (All her characterisations, but Lorne most especially) are a thousand and one kinds of amazing.


Epistemic Community: (not actually a drabble, yet)
a faction/mindset/trans-national networks of knowledge-based experts who define problems and posit solutions

Atlantis’ scientific community; the daily debates involved in keeping Atlantis liveable for humans.

something liable, but uncertain to occur, dependent on chance of future occurring.

Lorne had plenty of emergency plans for foiled first-contact missions.  He even had one for occasions when a team leader ended up rip-roaringly drunk. What he didn’t have was one to deal with intoxication, a native commemoration ceremony and validation of certain fantasies that involved an entirely too-relaxed CO with a visiting Colonel who just happened to be on holiday from SG-1 at the precise time. After all, ‘three airmen walked into a village’ sounded entirely too much like the start of a bad joke, the kind that would leave Lorne naked, alone and calculating the thread-count of his bed-sheets.

arrogance or over-confidence; likely to result in disaster/ruin
Rodney was often initially dismissed as suffering from extreme hubris, and to those who saw him come running through the gate as the team fired backwards into the diplomatic-disaster of yet another local planet, felt that sooner rather than later they would be proved right.  Unfortunately for their arguments, Rodney’s arrogance never actually progressed to outright hubris - he was as intelligent as he claimed, and more often than not, his thoughts, words and experiments were those that saved the day. Just, not the feelings of the less-than-genius level people that were forced to work within hearing range of his diatribes.

university: masters, my writings: stargate

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